Welcome to the Game Harvenger. I have recently created a new faction and our goal is to introduce new members to the game and help build them up ready for the fun aspect of PvP as well as PvE. As an active member looking for more active members, I formally invite you amongst our ranks where you can learn not only about your own class but other classes too. Naturally, like most factions, myself and my members are always on hand to help you out when you need it. this includes helping you farm materials for gears and giving advice when you are unsure. We do not expect anything from you other than you attend game events when you can (Which will benefit you), you are an active player and that you treat others how you would like to be treat. Feel free to PM me in game my game name is: _Barbie_ and we can discuss this further. Alternativly you can drop me a reply here. I am aware that faction life is not for everyone however, so If you decide this is not for you then welcome to the game all the same, I think you will enjoy it here.
Kind Regards,
Barbie the Barbarian