Epic Perfect World

German Faction - IRRENHAUS !!!

Offline Chibiya

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Yo peops, ;-)

We just formed a new german faction and we need some nice people to join us :).

We speak german in guildchat and we have a Teamspeak-Server, we doing dailies together and we are helpful and fun :)
We are age 17 to 25 at the moment!

Just write a message here or PM MsShrimp, Buri, Mazze or Pommie in game!! :)

Offline Uriel

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Pro guild name, I hope its not true for the members.

Offline hot_panini

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Love seeing new faction forms :) Good luck

Offline Chibiya

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Thank you  :smiley:

Offline bestia

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lol wat nen gildennamen aber gl mit deiner gilde ;p

Offline tian6

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  • like i care......
gibts euch noch? wenn ja pm ma oder ingame wps Shui.
nice greetz


10/10 would read again


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