Epic Perfect World

I so hate Xbox right now

Offline Nerlda

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sorry for a random QQ thread,
but i just have to bitch .i been using Xbox 360 since day one  (usa 2005) but today my 6th yes 6th xbox360 died from  "Red Lights of Death"  . talked to Microsoft and no warranty because its a refurbished unit, they gave me that one after my last one died from "Red Lights of Death"  :sad:

sigh so now what go down and buy a used unit for 150usd and have it for 6 month before it dies  :-\

well well sorry for the QQ i just had to rant a bit  :-*

Offline Animassacre

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  :normal-2: :normal-14: :normal-2:
poor you ..Xbox sucks


All you have to do is buy the battery (A.K.A-Brick as known by some), which is not expensive. After you get it, plug in and all that stuff, should work fine :)

Offline Draugur

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I've had my Xbox for years, haven't needed it replaced once (inb4 I jinx it). Maybe you're being too hard on the machine.

Offline Nerlda

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All you have to do is buy the battery (A.K.A-Brick as known by some), which is not expensive. After you get it, plug in and all that stuff, should work fine :)

dont think that help the machine have overheated and it smells burned plastic   :-[ well time to dust of my Sega Dreamcast and play some Phantasy Star Online  :-*

Offline Chire

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sorry for a random QQ thread,
but i just have to bitch .i been using Xbox 360 since day one  (usa 2005) but today my 6th yes 6th xbox360 died from  "Red Lights of Death"  . talked to Microsoft and no warranty because its a refurbished unit, they gave me that one after my last one died from "Red Lights of Death"  :sad:

sigh so now what go down and buy a used unit for 150usd and have it for 6 month before it dies  :-\

well well sorry for the QQ i just had to rant a bit  :-*

if that's your only problem, then wow I wanna be you @_@
KingCobra guides to dph and aps assasin. pay attention to the veri simple steps.
Aps assasin
1-donate ur house and live in a box to get 0.15 wrist on rank 8
2-get a genie with absolute domain,holy path,and 1 lv wind shield for 5 aps.
3-get shitload of wood pills and go ***ing pk

Dph assasin

1-Buy Rank 8 and pray allah for gof daggers and crit/dex on gear
2-Pray Allah for zerk+ crits and use earth rift like retarded  (Pray require minium of 6 hours a day for max gof proc)
...IF none of that work delete epic>go play Hello Kitty :normal-1:

Offline Derrius

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my xbox had red ring from playin left 4 dead 2 when it first came out but all I did was unplugged everything including the power pack from the xbox for a whole day after that I tried again and BOOM!!!!!!!!! it worked :)

Derrius_-150-R8 Cleric-Fac: Nohomo

Offline Draugur

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dont think that help the machine have overheated and it smells burned plastic   :-[

You played it so long that it began to melt?  ??? 

Offline Nerlda

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my xbox had red ring from playin left 4 dead 2 when it first came out but all I did was unplugged everything including the power pack from the xbox for a whole day after that I tried again and BOOM!!!!!!!!! it worked :)

i tried that. But when i turn it on i just get 3 flashing light no sound from the hard-drive or the fan and nothing on the tv. 
I just left it on during the night i wanted to downloading some new demos and when i woke up this morning it was dead. I am just unlucky with my machines  :-\

Offline Draugur

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i tried that. But when i turn it on i just get 3 flashing light no sound from the hard-drive or the fan and nothing on the tv. 
I just left it on during the night i wanted to downloading some new demos and when i woke up this morning it was dead. I am just unlucky with my machines  :-\

Or perhaps it is the machines that are unlucky! You have to give them a break so they don't overheat and/or "melt".  :P

Offline bananaphone

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I <3 my xbox 360 lol...it's the PS3 I had trouble with. The HD drive crapped out after the 3rd week, that's was a long time ago when they were uber expensive too xD The only game I actually loved and missed on it was Resistance Fall of Man which I played co-op with my friends and my little brother.