funny part is ur gloating about a victory when u had 4 extra cata's .. right after losing the one with equal # catas.
why so madmake sense plez. and read what wrote again lol. talkign abt cata numbers
You make no sense, stop trying to get this thread locked, thanks.
man.. if you can't comprehend what i'm saying.. i think it's time for u to call all your boys on skype again.. they can explain. and i'm not trying to get this thread locked lol.. just pointing out facts o.o ... 8 cata vs 4 .. not really a gloat worthy victory .. esp. when u lost the one the day before when both sides had 4 catas . if the thread gets locked.. will be your own fault lmao.. calling people emo faggot's isn't very nice
Not from either fac, but agree that you all shouldn't be too cocky, what with having more people and definitely more catas. Not being against your fac, just the poster himself, 1 victory does not make the winner, especially when not after 1 loss.From what I can see in the video, all the poster did was Bell, AOE stun, run away when even 1 person drops an attack on you, be it BM, Veno, or Mystic. And you're supposed to be a secondary tank, maybe tertiary if there's enough insanely geared defense lvl Seekers in your team. I'll like to see you play AA/LA class lol. While most of the NHs there were taking ganks from 3-4 and trying to hit back.