Epic Perfect World

AuRa's Vidz



Mage/DPH Sin
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Offline Testaclese

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  • The Simple Pinoy Man
  • You Touch my Tra la la
Thats a sick ass video Meng.i think its funny as shit that im the first NH to die in that one round to lol
Was Fun pk win or lose sooo Thanks for posting Hoss Wakakakkakakakakka~

Offline ahed

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nice video baby  :normal-8:

Offline Ranged

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nice video Aura baby  :monkey-15:

Offline ahed

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nice video Aura baby  :monkey-15:
gtfo he is mine :o

Offline Moxxxi

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  • yes its happening
Y'all got some interpersonal issues  :-[ *hugs*

Offline yahiko

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  • Through pain we shall achieve peace
  • Characters: shinsuusenju
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Sweet, one more faction that has quality pkers. Keep it up guys, this way EPW will never get boring xD


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  • rip insanity
Nice vid.

gtfo he is mine :o

Offline iPopSun

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  • Aw.
  • Ty.

Bow Down Bishs.


WeeeW Nice Video:)

Offline LetsHug

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oh dat sexeh video

Offline Deea

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