It looks pretty nice, But as a gm event i dont think it is.~Edit,More information plz if u can.
What would you like info on?You can make any character, and you can recieve outside help in the 45 minutes. You can literally do anything in the 45 minutes, even if you wanna just go watch TV. (The 45 minutes DOES include the Pinky Rabbit path)
How about make new character with a specific name related to the event like "PvP_<insertname>, no 45minutes juts enough time to get down the path and reach lvl 110, get the starter gear on. And one lvl scroll, that gives u some million Spirit enough to get a few essential skills, Then the GM summons every member with the name PvP something.U want fair and balanced, this is how to do it . With everyone on the same page, same gear same lvl, same spirit. The after event players should delete the charcater, as next time the event is run characters would need a differnt name prefix to be assured they are indeed brand new charactersand Booo! another pvp event
No you misunderstand the 45 minutes rule. It's there so each person can take a different route. A sin might want to do the demon culti for APS, A wizzie might want to grind spirit for learning max skills etc. Its the whole point of "Do what you want"
. I enjoy it as i feel it shows more "Skill" than "Endgame gear and full demon/sage skills". )