As you have clearly stated: you have zero tolerance towards scammers.Dear Coffee, your replies are really inapropriate and make little sense to me. You seem more annoyed by the topic than really trying to help or solve the problem . There is nothing bad about trusting someone or trying to help. That is why BlueRose made her screenshots, fully relying on the watchful eye and the judgment of the GMs. Please do your job, punish someone who breaks the rules and stop moralizing people. You have no right or no basis for doing that.Thank you.
I like the "You have no right or no basis for doing that." part. Coffee is the co-owner? *BAM* She can do anything.
As you have clearly stated: you have zero tolerance towards scammers.Dear Coffee, your replies are clearly inapropriate and make little sense to me. You seem more annoyed by the topic than really trying to help or solve the problem . There is nothing bad in trusting someone or trying to help. That is why BlueRose made her screenshots, fully relying on the watchful eye and the judgment of the GMs. Unfortunately many people got dissapointed. Please, do your job, punish someone, who breaks the rules and stop moralizing people. You have no right or not enough understanding to do that.Thank you.
No not the topic itself, more like confused as to why there is more then one about scamming and such.
GM's have made it abundantly clear, they know there are people who are less than honest on the server, thay also have made it very clear they wash there hands when someone get duped of items if they loan them out.No more treads about this please, GM stance is perfectly clear. Doint like it vote with your feet, or wallet if your a donator.
Stop farming posts allready, its annoying and 80% u type is trash..
I don't know when scamming without punishment became fun, maybe I missed the time when that became the trend.