Epic Perfect World

Way to go.


Note : I didn't talk today to Arche, he PM'd me with that straight in, not intending to cause drama, just to prove Sync words are nothing but dust in the wind when they claim they're of any worth.

Offline ahed

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Since this topic gonna get lot of attention

time to do my business

sync recruiting active friendly people 150+


if you intrested apply  and good luck !

what is sync ? we gank everyone we make all mad .. serious gamers will RQ ( aka kids ) mature people will stay and dont give a shit about loss .. we clean server from kids

rules : -
1.Must speak english
2. Must Pk and TW
3. Must have vent
4.No drama in Guild chat, if you have any issues contact an officer.
5.Respect all members in faction.
6.Cannot complain if one of your alts outside faction was killed by member in sync.
7.Cannot be inactive, If the member does not pk / tw for a certain ammount of time he will be kicked.
8.Always listen to your squad leader in pvp. Be prepared to be booted if you do not listen to instruction in a tw.
9.Remember that sync is a pk / tw faction, so do not complain if you do not find pve partners inside it.
Last Edit: Mar 27, 2013, 02:38 pm by 3ahed

Offline ahed

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we love pokemons and pnoys
Last Edit: Mar 27, 2013, 02:38 pm by 3ahed

Offline Shay

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  • Shhh... I'm hiding from negative people
To the original poster:  I wonder how many people really care? :-\


To the original poster:  I wonder how many people really care? :-\
Those who're caught in OC Sync rivalry and know the amount of shit they split at a daily basis in w/c. This just proves their lack of worth.


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  • rip insanity
To the original poster:  I wonder how many people really care? :-\