I like this idea,dunno if its do-able,but its cool
First one might end bad in case of a fight/naive people, but I really love the second idea. ;P Though I don't think it's doable.
I'd say its not "do-able". If things like this were possible, private servers would have many cool custom features.
Let's add a Flinstones Car mount while we're at it >.> <.<...
Thats do able xD
Spouse 'Stash'?I personally feel like the marriage is just for the titlewith where it's at right now, not really emphasized.Married couples should have the 'option' to share inventory, bank, etc.Able to edit level of trust (access) for the spouse. XDExample:"Share with spouse:"Yes/No - BankYes/No - GoldYes/No - CoinsYes/No - InventoryDon't know if it's doable, but just thought I'd throw it out there.Was talking to my PWI hubby about how it's inconvenient needingto trade, mail, jump toons, or dual client when we need somethingfrom each other. It would be nice to just access each other's things freely.Of course, only with consent of the other person.---More Interaction OptionsEmbrace. Kiss. Kiss. Kiss. Kiss. Kiss.Kind of familiar huh? Would be cool to see some simple affectionateactions to add that only married couples can share. Or at least moreinteractive options in general. Like different 'embracing' styles.Guys can carry their girl caveman style! Piggyback ride? Can getpretty creative here. Since there's so little, lots to expand on.I think even a holding hands action would make a lot of people happy.A slap action would definitely get a kick out of people lol.