pid.iniupdateserver.txtserverlist.txt <---
EPWEpica1 28081: 1Epica2 28082: 1Epica3 443: 1
I spam dartle on demon spark, bitch please
This might help :1.Go to EpicPW_Genesis Folder2.Explore EpicPW_Genesis\patcher\server3.As you can see, there are 3 files : Code: [Select]pid.iniupdateserver.txtserverlist.txt <--- open. ( serverlist.txt ) Then paste this on the Notepad :Code: [Select]EPWEpica1 28081: 1Epica2 28082: 1Epica3 443: 1 After paste, press "Ctrl" and letter "S" to save and close the Notepad. then try to start the game.