Epic Perfect World

Just wondering (GM's Plz)

Offline XxHYFUxX

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I played this server for a long time then took a break due to RL (Real Life) issues and I'm happy to be back I just was Kinda of wondering I have been back now for 2 Weeks or so and I have only seen one GM made event I'm I just not on at the right time or is there just not enough active GM's to do the events like before It seemed like Neith and Ninjas Used to give 150% to the players along with Star_Light but I don't see them anymore I Miss it and It was what brought me back to this server I'm not saying anything Bad about anyone just saying I miss then faction base events and the other world events. It is what set the server above all the rest in my opinion ( but really who am I right ) Well Just asking hopefully don't start some kinda of issue by posting this but I just miss the events. (Then again players always had something to QQ about when the GM's did take the time to do the events so mabe that's why they quit just a after though )
Demon 5.0aps Pro Sin 150 MuffDiver
Demon LA Cleric 150 LongDong
Demon Seeker 150 SoFaKing


I do agree that there are less events, but there certainly are. But i dont know  Why they stopped doing fact base quest.

Offline Feone

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I've asked this question to some of them, basically it's because people bitch, whine and complain so much on every single event they don't like doing them anymore.


Because we can't have nice things.

Offline ZionStar

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Because we can't have nice things.
^ This. Cause every time you get a new toy, you keep breaking it. So why bother getting you guys new stuff cause all you're going to do is throw it around and not take care of your things. Go to your room, you're grounded.

Offline Lan

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I blame the immaturity of some players.  I am 28 and sometimes may act like I'm several years younger, sure.  But there are some players on here that are a bit young and seem to be umm...I can't say it without sounding like a flamer.  I'll just stop here and say, some people are annoying. lol
I am.
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Boba_Fett 150 Dem/Archer  More to come...

Offline Lolly

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I blame the immaturity of some players.  I am 28 and sometimes may act like I'm several years younger, sure.  But there are some players on here that are a bit young and seem to be umm...I can't say it without sounding like a flamer.  I'll just stop here and say, some people are annoying. lol

Lolly - 150 Ep | Lapras - 150 Wf | Crystal - 150 Ea
Sometimes it physically pains me to hold back my sarcastic comments.

Offline Tenashi

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yeh alot of people on here act like lil kids patchetic really even you peeps in ur 30s  >:D


It's because they know they won't suffer any real consequences, so they think they're funny acting like idiots.
It's because they know they won't suffer any real consequences, so they think they're funny acting like idiots.

are you implying some people actually do suffer from "real consequences"???? and if so what are they? cuz as far as i know this is a game and people should just have fun with it and if someone annoys you, there's always the blacklist (which most people seem to forget about). that said...... yes we do have a TON of prepubescent idiots on this server but daddy needs something to troll so i don't mind >:D

Offline JHIN

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are you implying some people actually do suffer from "real consequences"???? and if so what are they? cuz as far as i know this is a game and people should just have fun with it and if someone annoys you, there's always the blacklist (which most people seem to forget about). that said...... yes we do have a TON of prepubescent idiots on this server but daddy needs something to troll so i don't mind >:D

yea just ignore them or BL..
i quit barb just playin' support classes i am no good in 1v1.

i give up PK too hard everyone too stronk. i guess i'm forever noob x.x

Offline ☠EvilTouch☠

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althought the GM's you mentioned were giving 150% for the server , they were giving 150% to steal GM items to give to friends...so yea i couldnt care ess about their good effort ont he effort, we do not accept GM's providing any kind of items to any kind of friend.

about the events, we are working on making new ones and also making custom ones, but as it was said it takes time, its not just ask it as a wish for xmas  :-\

u might be getting online at the wrong timezone too, when i logoff for exmaple i leave the game with usually 2 other GM's online.

Offline Coffee

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althought the GM's you mentioned were giving 150% for the server , they were giving 150% to steal GM items to give to friends...so yea i couldnt care ess about their good effort ont he effort, we do not accept GM's providing any kind of items to any kind of friend.

about the events, we are working on making new ones and also making custom ones, but as it was said it takes time, its not just ask it as a wish for xmas  :-\

u might be getting online at the wrong timezone too, when i logoff for exmaple i leave the game with usually 2 other GM's online.

^ That.

And I've been trying to do more event's for you guys but I'm having a hard time lately due to rl issues and what not. I'm really sorry, and hopefully I can get back on track soon. But just know the staff we have now is trying hard but we all have other stuff on our plates. And Evil.... ET PHONE HOME.
althought the GM's you mentioned were giving 150% for the server , they were giving 150% to steal GM items to give to friends...so yea i couldnt care ess about their good effort ont he effort, we do not accept GM's providing any kind of items to any kind of friend.

about the events, we are working on making new ones and also making custom ones, but as it was said it takes time, its not just ask it as a wish for xmas  :-\

u might be getting online at the wrong timezone too, when i logoff for exmaple i leave the game with usually 2 other GM's online.

LAWL i was about to say something along thse lines about those exact GMs (with some added stuff that only really affected me) but didn't because i figured i would get forum banned for it. way to throw your ex colleagues under the bus epica whew. and btw lets not pretend like you haven't done anything biased towards certain people/factions before when we both know you have ;)

Offline xDelete

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So u nub doesn't want me to be funny anymore, k I be full serious from now on, KMA...