Because we can't have nice things.
I blame the immaturity of some players. I am 28 and sometimes may act like I'm several years younger, sure. But there are some players on here that are a bit young and seem to be umm...I can't say it without sounding like a flamer. I'll just stop here and say, some people are annoying. lol
It's because they know they won't suffer any real consequences, so they think they're funny acting like idiots.
are you implying some people actually do suffer from "real consequences"? and if so what are they? cuz as far as i know this is a game and people should just have fun with it and if someone annoys you, there's always the blacklist (which most people seem to forget about). that said...... yes we do have a TON of prepubescent idiots on this server but daddy needs something to troll so i don't mind
althought the GM's you mentioned were giving 150% for the server , they were giving 150% to steal GM items to give to yea i couldnt care ess about their good effort ont he effort, we do not accept GM's providing any kind of items to any kind of friend.about the events, we are working on making new ones and also making custom ones, but as it was said it takes time, its not just ask it as a wish for xmas u might be getting online at the wrong timezone too, when i logoff for exmaple i leave the game with usually 2 other GM's online.