Epic Perfect World

More Instances for different Purposes

Offline Stella

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I think their should be other instances for leveling, instead of just having PV, and Frost covered. Also I think we should have a instance were we can farm skill books.(Different Bosses in their for certain Classes) And a Instance to Farm ec(a non pk instance) But a instance were its challenging and you need a squad.    Just an Opinion :)

Offline Areashi

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All that has already been discussed, looking at the forums, I think Agatio has already created some instances to farm EC. But they are still being tested out. Leveling hasn't been a really important aspect to embiggen in this game, since most people are already lvl 150, so a PV-type instance that requires a team to level doesn sound sillly.

Offline epicseeker

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An instance for farming EC flat out would debase the economy set up around them. Much the same as farming DQ items in PWI led to bot farming of hundreds of millions of coin a day destabilizing the economy, and PWI making any DQ items below lvl 71 to be worth only 1 coin each. Perhaps daily quests where EC are the reward, would be a better thought for this. And if you wanted to put it into a much better process, you could put a time limit on the quest, and bracket times <Say 20 minutes total time, if you finish within 5min, you get the full amount of EC, 10min 50% of total, 15min, 25% of total, and so on.> this would make the use of squads more meaningful, as well as actually test the skill of the players, rather than just relying on gear and charms to make through.

A new instance, while seemingly a good idea, might be more of a headache than it really is. However, why not put the instances already available into use once again. Make a revamped version of the instances, maybe add a few new bosses. Hell, you could even add random bosses to each instance, for example simply implement a quest line that revisits BH 29/39/51/59 and rekindle the mobs within to be more lvl viable, as well the original bosses. PLUS make each instance carry a list of DIFFERENT bosses, where it will randomly select ONE every time you zone into the revamped instance <You could call them Hall of Delusion Revisited, Cave of Delirium: Undreamed, Secret Frostcovered Grounds: Awakened, and so on and on.> This way we get to actually enjoy new challenges, with minimal effort on the development end, PLUS we get the unknown factor of every time we zone in we don't know which EXTRA boss we're going to be facing!

I'm not trying to be a a downer to your ideas, i agree there are some things that CAN, and in fact NEED to be changed, however, a slight shift in perspective might actually make these viable ideas.

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Offline Escorian

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putting an instance in to farm ec will not break the economy you can farm ec as it is out on the world map.

Ty Chiibi for the great Avatar and Siggy <3

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Offline Vengeous ~

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Ummm... What epic said O.o

Offline Areashi

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Kinda seems like a waste of time. Nation wars would be a more ''fun'' thing than that.

Offline Stella

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Kinda seems like a waste of time. Nation wars would be a more ''fun'' thing than that.
                yah I want nation wars too .-.

Offline Slashyy

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if u want a challange that needs a squad t farm ec's hunt down the new world bosses they are a real chalange (note take a cleric with u xD)

Offline Areashi

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WB's are soloable :/.

Offline ☠EvilTouch☠

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such instances r beeing created alrdy :D
takes time cuz we need to have them working perfectly without bugs nor glitches

Offline epicseeker

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Which is why i suggested re-purposing already existing instances. It cuts back developing time.

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You just met me, but I know you're crazy, so lose my number, and keep the baby!

Offline JHIN

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such instances r beeing created alrdy :D
takes time cuz we need to have them working perfectly without bugs nor glitches

awesome  :smiley:
i quit barb just playin' support classes i am no good in 1v1.

i give up PK too hard everyone too stronk. i guess i'm forever noob x.x

Offline Escorian

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Which is why i suggested re-purposing already existing instances. It cuts back developing time.

I personally would rather have a new looking instance to a revamped fb 29 or whatever just because I have done those so much already its pretty boring inside.

Ty Chiibi for the great Avatar and Siggy <3

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Offline ☠EvilTouch☠

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problem is that we gotta work with what PW have :/
i doubt Agatio is gonna design a new instane :/ i can imagine the time consumption and how hard it might be to do that.

we usually use some instances that r "forgotten" or sort of lol

Offline Cocor3

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And a Instance to Farm ec(a non pk instance) But a instance were its challenging and you need a squad.    Just an Opinion :)

umm this is a good idea , but I hope I don't see drama on wc > x y z stoles the the drops :D