Epic Perfect World


i am a cybercafe owner and i have several customers that enjoys playing in Epic PW server. the main problem is whenever any one of them voted first, the others cannot vote anymore and have to wait for the 6 hour cooldown time. As you may know, not all players in the world have personal computers. Some tend to play at cybercafe because its fun when you have friends playing with. They always complain to have not enough Cubi because cannot vote. please fox this problem

Offline ZionStar

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Maybe they should vote on their home computer before they go to the cybercafe. Or vote when they get home.

Offline Adversition

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Well this is a rare occasion.

A cybercafe that plays a private server. Go figure.

Use different ip's or have them go to something like free public wi fi and vote there. As long as they got an Internet-accessible mobile device it should be fine.
ZerkSoPro - SAGE SIN

Offline Escorian

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I find it extremely hard to believe that this rare occasion happens so frequently to you since afterall this is a private server and it isn't as well known as most other private servers....

Also kinda lol'd at the fact that you say they complain they don't have enough cubi.

Ty Chiibi for the great Avatar and Siggy <3

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Now where have I seen this before...

Offline shawarma

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the main reason for this problem is that the cybercafe itself has
only one IP address that is connected to the internet.... :-\

Offline JeavetteC

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This problem is easy to fix for those that play with family and friend in large groups i found a easy way around this and happy to know Epicpw is compatible with the browser  down load  Tor browser this will fix your problem


Each time you log on to the browser. the browser will changes your IP address  temporally as long as your on the browser.

Hope this helps its help you. its helped me and my family to enjoy the game more.

Offline JHIN

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i quit barb just playin' support classes i am no good in 1v1.

i give up PK too hard everyone too stronk. i guess i'm forever noob x.x

Offline Garfield

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I use Tor Browser it works thanks for the tip  :smiley: love playing Epic now i got cubi i love playing even more.

Offline Escorian

  • Old Player
Use your cell phone to vote... Your Cell Phone has it's own IP Address.

Ty Chiibi for the great Avatar and Siggy <3

Vote for your favorite smiley.


Offline geriatrix

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No matter how rarely or how often it happens,
the problem can't be fixed.

It depends on sites that accept votes, not on Epic.

Even if Aga allows multiple voting from same IP,
sites that receive voting won't accept such votes.
"Don't think about winning every battle in your life.
Think only about winning the current one."

But reconsider price. You might decide to lose.


This problem is easy to fix for those that play with family and friend in large groups i found a easy way around this and happy to know Epicpw is compatible with the browser  down load  Tor browser this will fix your problem

Each time you log on to the browser. the browser will changes your IP address  temporally as long as your on the browser.

Hope this helps its help you. its helped me and my family to enjoy the game more.

Welp, that might be a little bit bannable, no?


We log your voting activity.
Abusing the script by voting many times during the 6h refresh period is not allowed and will end up with ban.


Offline geriatrix

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Welp, that might be a little bit bannable, no?


We log your voting activity.
Abusing the script by voting many times during the 6h refresh period is not allowed and will end up with ban.


Maybe that is bannable now, but I don't think it should be.

Through any such anonymizer you actually put vote
on voting site and the main purpose is satisfied.
"Don't think about winning every battle in your life.
Think only about winning the current one."

But reconsider price. You might decide to lose.


Maybe that is bannable now, but I don't think it should be.

Through any such anonymizer you actually put vote
on voting site and the main purpose is satisfied.

Well it would cause an imbalance to the game, as it's not available to everyone.
People can use it for multiple votes on different accounts, not just multiple votes on a single account.  :sad:

Offline Ryan_Wolfeh

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Changing your IP to vote more than once per voting site to gain cubi: Abuse of the voting system.