Epic Perfect World

Does this Sever work for Windows 8?

Offline Stella

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I heard that the sever does not work for windows 8, can someone please tell me if that's true or not before I start downloading :)

Offline Nightstalk

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why would it not work?

and yes it works.

<-- windows 8 user

Games works even better on windows 8 if u ask me..

Offline Stella

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Oh ok thanks because some of my friends told me it doesn't work lol


It works, but I'm sorry to hear that you chose an OS that makes you feel like you're in kindergarten and isn't user-friendly to anyone wanting customization.

Offline Shay

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So...What is better then?

Offline Nightstalk

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It works, but I'm sorry to hear that you chose an OS that makes you feel like you're in kindergarten and isn't user-friendly to anyone wanting customization.

LOL, Or you just don't know how to use it full out.  :rolleyes:   :))


I hear 7 is alright, but I personally prefer XP. It's an old OS, I know, but it's pretty easy on system resources.

LOL, Or you just don't know how to use it full out.


Offline Shay

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oh ok.  Thanks for answer Antihero.

Offline Nightstalk

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I hear 7 is alright, but I personally prefer XP. It's an old OS, I know, but it's pretty easy on system resources.


so have you even tested Windows 8 or just talking from what you've seen on pictures? seeing that u "only heard" about 7 .. so i doubt that u tested 8 if not even 7.... if so that is kinda sad. and you should not judge and talk like that about it if so.. ijs. has nothing to do with her question either.  so keep making your sleepy smiles if u want, but don't comment like that if you don't like the answer you get back from it. ijs.  and yeah.. XP in front of windows 7 or 8.. I don't think you know so much after all xD  ;D
Last Edit: Dec 26, 2012, 01:59 am by Daystalk


I use Windows 7 and love it. However Windows 8 uses less resources and will be a bit faster. Stick with the Windows 8 and please don't use XP. lol If you don't keep Windows 8, just use Windows 7.


so have you even tested Windows 8 or just talking from what you've seen on pictures? seeing that u "only heard" about 7 .. so i doubt that u tested 8 if not even 7.... if so that is kinda sad. and you should not judge and talk like that about it if so.. ijs. has nothing to do with her question either.  so keep making your sleepy smiles if u want, but don't comment like that if you don't like the answer you get back from it. ijs.

I will keep using my "sleeping smiles", because you constantly talking out of your ass is getting boring. I got Windows 8 before it was even released and it was basically Xbox Live on PC. You can change the way it looks, sure, but I just didn't care for the release at all. I've only used 7 to browse the web. I've only heard about its performance aside from that.

Also, I don't give a damn what you doubt. You've proven on countless occasions that your opinion is worthless. Lastly, you have no room to talk about judging and going off topic. Then again, you haven't learned the first hundred times you've been told, so I don't suppose you're going to learn now.

Offline Nightstalk

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I will keep using my "sleeping smiles", because you constantly talking out of your ass is getting boring. I got Windows 8 before it was even released and it was basically Xbox Live on PC. You can change the way it looks, sure, but I just didn't care for the release at all. I've only used 7 to browse the web. I've only heard about its performance aside from that.

Also, I don't give a damn what you doubt. You've proven on countless occasions that your opinion is worthless. Lastly, you have no room to talk about judging and going off topic. Then again, you haven't learned the first hundred times you've been told, so I don't suppose you're going to learn now.

Aww did you start buu huuing now mr XP user?  and yeah because windows 8 was fully working and 100% done before the release. lol. poor thing.. Can't be easy.. You try to hard..and u talk without full knowledge about things..

 and your little extra text you try to be cool with like all others.. go email them instead so u can be sure they see it.  you are just like all the others who try to say something smart like this..So fast you get quiet and can't say anything when u start realize, you start talk about how "fcked up" I am xD...wake up instead little internet warrior.. And you clearly give a damn as u sit and try your best with a end comment like that about me.  ;) Just pathetic

now quit it and stay on topic.
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Last Edit: Dec 26, 2012, 02:50 am by Daystalk


You've proven on countless occasions that your opinion is worthless. Lastly, you have no room to talk about judging and going off topic. Then again, you haven't learned the first hundred times you've been told, so I don't suppose you're going to learn now.

Nearly incoherent rant with delusions of self-importance and righteousness with no supporting evidence, finished with an attempt to divert attention away from himself in an unsuccessful attempt to avoid embarrassment. Typical.

Oh, and spam arrows.

 :normal-22: Predictable...


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You're wrong, I'm right.

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Ya'll needa reevaluate yourselves and just answer the question that was asked, not add in your own little snide comments or argue about an OS. Everyone likes what they like, leave it at that.

Question has been answered but I'll answer it again, yes. It does.