Yeah because many people care about the "dummy" when it's full action pk going on.. Or do you call yourself a dummy and want people to kill you more? This make no sense. OMG OMG 4 FACTIONS PKING AT WEST VS EACH OTHER STOP IT AND START HELP EACH OTHER TO KILL THE DUMMY!!!!Did you think at all writing this ?
Yeah, I know you're mad and take every pixel thread you see seriously (I have yet to see why tf you're getting mad over pixels). Fact is, this was just a suggestion, if you don't like it, it shouldn't be implemented. Simple.You're just getting mad at not the idea, but because of the WRITER.End note: Shut up and just read it first, the dummy dropping ec also would give those pk'ers, who are still waiting on the other faction to come out of people, would have something to do. P.S. I don't appreciate you being rude to me on even here. If you don't like the idea, say so, don't make a long paragraph of crap, just flaming my comment from one side.
First off no need to flame, just shut-up both of you. And as for the idea, its just dumb. I mean seriously, you want west to be taken over by blue names, most people will stop even entering pk mode as dummies can be killed by all (please dont say only make it possible for white names). Ultimately this thread is like the solo-ing thread, somethings are meant to be for something and they should only stand for that. I cant imagine the QQ over how sins get all drops cause of there high-constant DPS.
I'm not gonna start a riot but some people have some anger issues and need therapy or something :/ No offence because my best friend goes to therapy <3~ -Off topic-