Epic Perfect World


Offline shadowxix

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200 wedding candys tell me your price to lave to get them myself

Offline Ancient

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could always trade wedding wine for them at the matchmaker

Offline SeemsLegit

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You buy wine at God's Giving, you need 2 wine for every candy. So, it's about 400 wines total which I believe (If I remember correctly) Is around 81 million coins.  ;D
Grim - barb
SeemsLegit - bm

Offline Nevyn

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You buy wine at God's Giving, you need 2 wine for every candy. So, it's about 400 wines total which I believe (If I remember correctly) Is around 81 million coins.  ;D

I don't think it's that much :/

150 Sage Assasin
May faulty logic undermine your entire philosophy!

Offline Slash

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I believe 100 wines is around 21m.. Meaning that 400 would be around 84m. (can't remember exact price.)
~First you have to give up, first you have to know, not fear, know that one day you're going to die. It's only after we've lost everything, that we're free to do anything.~

yup, 84 Million coins... I remember, cos I had to get the candy for the R8 gear.