Epic Perfect World

Voting event for October

Offline mizukano

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is that gone? or should i be more patient

Offline Runaway

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I think it's gone. It doesn't tell you how many times you voted and stuff like that. :p


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#Retired #BusyWithThatDadLyf

Offline ☠EvilTouch☠

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problem is that people were abusing it using 3rd party programs to get more votes...even though it helps get to first we dont like nor appreciate such moves to favour us. so we disabled it.

Offline pronoob

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another example of a few idiots spoiling  it for the mass's

Offline mizukano

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gaaaah october was my second month here and i finally was confident enough that i had enough to be in the top 40... this sux

Offline ☠EvilTouch☠

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gaaaah october was my second month here and i finally was confident enough that i had enough to be in the top 40... this sux

what sucks is people abusing the glitches and bugs and everythnig to take advatange of small implements we do. don0t blame us, blame those who like to take advatange of things. ijs  >:D

Offline Syke

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what sucks is people abusing the glitches and bugs and everythnig to take advatange of small implements we do. don0t blame us, blame those who like to take advatange of things. ijs  >:D

No offense but that's a poor excuse to be honest. People have won said bonus gold twice in a row, if not more. Instead of disabling it for everyone, you should have made something to counter their actions. I'm fairly disappointed in some of the things implemented into this server that never happen (such as events) or get a quick fix instead of a viable one. From what I've seen this server is very active, very well balanced, and has some great farming systems. This server's population deserves more respect than a quick "deal with it" reply. Now I understand this might come off as offensive but I'm merely stating my honest opinion.

Offline Areashi

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No offense but that's a poor excuse to be honest. People have won said bonus gold twice in a row, if not more. Instead of disabling it for everyone, you should have made something to counter their actions. I'm fairly disappointed in some of the things implemented into this server that never happen (such as events) or get a quick fix instead of a viable one. From what I've seen this server is very active, very well balanced, and has some great farming systems. This server's population deserves more respect than a quick "deal with it" reply. Now I understand this might come off as offensive but I'm merely stating my honest opinion.
Actually, it's a very good ''excuse'', and it also shows how pathetic most players are here. I mean, come on. It's like asking for money on here. People don't realise Pservers are a privilege for the users, not a server to wreck havoc on, and also saying ''qqqq, gm dun care for us, they care for moneh!'' Ofc they do, but I haven't ever seen a server like this which has such cool gm's. They're giving you hours of entertainment for free, what more do you want, money for playing?