Epic Perfect World

Buddha Guard Skill

Offline kinggalinor

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I have a question. My standard physical resistance is 79% non buffed. When I use aura of the golden

bell(demon), my physical resistance rise to 82%. When I use alter marrow with the previous to buffs listed it

increases to 90% physical resistance. That all sounds good but when i apply Buddha guard my physical resistance

stays at 90% but the buff gives 1000% increase of physical defense. Doesn't it suppose to be 100%? Whats wrong

with that? Oh another thing is before you buy and apply the skill skill book it say it heals 20% over the next 20

secs but when you learn the skill it only heals 5%.  :sad:
Last Edit: Oct 28, 2012, 07:38 am by kinggalinor
Kings Faith - Only thing worth buying is time.

Offline Adversition

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It increases by 1000%, meaning that your phy def is incerased ten times the original value, or something like that. Not a maths geek, don't ask.

Physical Resistance is something completely different to physical defence
It works differently, but I'm not gonna go into anymore detail than that.
ZerkSoPro - SAGE SIN


The percent shown only goes to a certain amount. The benefit should still apply, though.

Offline Syke

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If I remember correctly once your resistance hits 90% you have maxed your defence vs. other players.

Offline Sylver

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If u use Buddha Guard skil and Psy marrow it stack and works..but if u use demon bell will nullify the buddha skill.

Offline kinggalinor

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hm... it still doesnt seem right because even when im buffed 1000% it stays at 90% but it should be 100%
Kings Faith - Only thing worth buying is time.

Offline kinggalinor

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Kings Faith - Only thing worth buying is time.