So, I was fighting this guy who was butthurt because he kept losing.
Blamed it on modified cleric skills.
Now, the ones he mentioned were Chromatic Seal, and Seal of the Gods.
Since Chromatic has sleep up to 33.6 seconds, now, I never got very high on pwi on a cleric to know what the time is on level 10 in actual pwi. I'm not sure if he was lying or not, he claimed to have a 105 cleric.
And Seal of the Gods, apparently, it lasts too long? How is 9 seconds too long? Barely gives me enough time to run away, stack heals, and Silent Seal.
I don't know, he said it was to balance the game for clerics so they can actually be effective for pvp. I'm not sure if that's a load of scrote, but still. Anybody have light to shed or comments?
Flame away if you feel the need.