Epic Perfect World


Offline GoldenArrow

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  • Characters: rank, Gotika, Goldenarrow, MeganPendragon

Offline geriatrix

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... and I still have to wait over 2 hours to vote again...
"Don't think about winning every battle in your life.
Think only about winning the current one."

But reconsider price. You might decide to lose.

Offline Lenx5

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  • I ownz yo Carrotz
if you have a problem with the time between voting then vote side one at say noon then vote site two at 3pm then the second at 6pm. then site 1 at 9pm site two at midnight. and so on. it makes the time between voting seem shorter. or for me anyways. sometimes you need the 50 silver at that moment but in most cases its just saving up for a long term item. hope if you try the voting ever 3 hours it makes it seem shorter u dont notice the 6 hours as much. be glad now u get 50 silver per 6 hour then 40 :P
150 Sage - Psychic
150 Sage - Assassin
150 Sage - Barbarian
150 Sage - Seeker
150 Sage - Wizard