Epic Perfect World - The most popular Perfect World private server


  • Dot Guests: 206
  • Dot Users: 3
Nov 25, 2011, 07:08 pm by Agatio | Views: 3048 | Comments: 0

- Gaia Stones added as a Events reward
- Flame Orbs reward from quest increased from 1 to 2
- Material rewards from Chrono Quests increased by 100%
- Few minor fixes

Nov 23, 2011, 05:49 pm by Agatio | Views: 6056 | Comments: 0

Now we will use the different version identification, it was needed to match the client version of the game.
If you already installed auto updater you don't have to download files below:

For everyone that haven't installed Auto Updater yet, please download this file and follow the instructions in info.txt.
Auto Updater
Nov 16, 2011, 10:32 am by Burdette | Views: 132824 | Comments: 4

Index of content:

Epic Perfect World was made for players to have fun. We gather many different players and personalities and misunderstandings tend to happen. But please remember to respect each other and have discussions, not arguments. If you find yourself disagreeing with another member, make sure that your opinion is well thought and express it in polite way. Please understand that there are views different than yours. Treat other players exactly how you would like to be treated yourself.

Please read the game rules below thoroughly and follow them during your gameplay.

Important notes

  • Punishments below are only default penalties. But since every case is different, penalties can vary depending on offense.
  • If player is continuously breaking same rule despite previous punishments, his penalty length will keep accumulating.
  • If player keeps breaking this rule on different characters, the consequences will still be accumulated.
  • Warnings do not have to be PM'd. If there is a world chat infraction, a warning may be given via world chat.
  • It's not mandatory for Staff member to warn player depending on the situation.

Interacting with players

1.1   You may speak only English in World Chat.
Breaking this rule will result in the following:
  • 1st. Player will be warned, or muted in the case that they know the rule already (repeated warnings / mutes in the past)

1.2.  No spamming, flaming, insulting other players, starting drama or excessive vulgarity in any channel.
Breaking this rule will result in the following:
  • 1st. Player will be warned.
  • 2nd. Player will be muted for 24 hours in the world chat if that's where they were causing problems. If the problematic messages were sent in other channels, the player will be globally muted for 24 hours.
  • Posting links to inappropriate websites/images will result in an immediate 1 week account ban.

2.1   No continuous harassment or serious insults, this includes, real life/family insults, racism, sexual harassment or use of personal pictures to mock/make fun of.
Breaking this rule will result in the following:
  • 1st. Depending on the offense, player will be warned, muted or account banned for 1 day.
  • 2nd. If the player continues with the harassment the account in question will be banned for 5 days. (This implicates returning with an alt character/account to keep the problems going).
  • 3rd. Ultimately if the player continues causing problems and insulting other players, the IP related to that account and related accounts will be banned permanently.

2.2.  Absolutely no giving out anyone's personal or real life information. This includes webpages, messenger names, phone numbers, or addresses, or identifiable pictures.
Breaking this rule will result in the following:
  • Player will be banned depending on the offense.

3.1  No names to be found overly offensive. (Example: racial slurs or obscenities)
Breaking this rule will result in the following:
  • Character will be forced to change the name or banned permanently depending on circumstances

3.2   No making new characters/factions to troll, insult, or mimic an existing character or faction.
Breaking this rule will result in the following:
  • 1st. Player will be warned and asked to delete troll character or faction or banned for 1 day if name contains insult
  • 2nd. Player will be banned for a 3 days and the troll character or faction will be deleted.

4.1  Using any methods which purpose is to obtain account details of other players without their awareness or logging on player's account to take their items without their will, results in permanent ban of all linked accounts of the cheater. This includes impersonation, pasting scamming links, asking for account details in order to "donate", or stealing items from account you share, but don't own.

4.2  Using any methods to cheat/scam the person from items will result in few days account ban up to permanent ban, depending on the scale of the offense. This includes Points scamming or purposefully putting wrong amount of EC on trade window.

4.3  GM impersonation is forbidden - player will receive warning or ban, depending on the circumstances.

5. No advertisements, with exceptions that players can advertise their own work.
Breaking this rule will result on the following:
  • 1st. Player will be warned.
  • 2nd. Player will be muted or banned with length that is depending on player's offense.

Contact with staff members

6.1 No arguing with a GM or accusing GM of favoritism towards players or guild for any reason in any chat. If you have a problem send a private message in game or on the forum to inf.
Breaking this rule will result in the following:
  • 1st. If the player in question is disturbing the server to complain about a Game Master action, the player will be warned to stop the comments that are leading into problems.
  • 2nd. If the player continues to disturb the server with his comments in any chat, he will be banned from game with length depending on the offense.
  • 3rd. If the conversation between the Game Master in question and the player in question doesn't reach a stable decision, there will be a meeting between the GM's to discuss how to punish the player.

6.2.  Serious insults or harassing Game Master will cause player's account to banned with length depending on the offense. Changing alt characters to continue harassment can make all accounts of the player be banned permanently.

6.3  The support chat room is for assistance only. If you do not have a question/problem to be solved by a staff member, please do not use the chat. Staff will never invite you to the chat room. Players who abuse the chat room by joining and spamming invites to it will receive a two hour account ban. Continued abuse will result in a 1 day ban. Punishment after that will be determined by the staff.

Account management and terms of service

Every created game or forum account is property of Epic Perfect World and may be terminated or edited at any time with or without reason.
During your gameplay of Epic Perfect World, you agree that security of your account is your responsibility, thus you are responsible for any actions which are done to or from your account. We have done everything to protect your account on our end. You also agree that giving out your login details will compromise the security of your account and you fully accept any consequences which may come of such.
You are aware that in case of losing access to your account which was a result of giving out your login details, we will give you absolutely no support to help you recover your account or lost items.

7.1 Selling, buying and trading game accounts is forbidden. Announcing that you’re trading your account in any shape or form is not allowed. Discussing the trading of game accounts in hypothetical situations is not allowed. This includes announcements in public game channels of “giving the account away” and similar actions.

Breaking this rule will result in the following:

  • 1st. All of the accounts of the buyer and the seller will be permanently locked to guest mode, including all of the accounts that they log in the future, making them unable to perform any trades with in-game characters.

7.2 Trading ingame items for anything other than other ingame items is not allowed. This includes trading in any real world currency, phone load, gift cards etc. Advertising that you’re buying or selling ingame items is not allowed, as well as discussing selling or buying the items in hypothetical situations. Doing any of this will result in a permanent ban of the player. Exceptions to this rule:
  • You are allowed to sell and buy art for real world currency. As drawings and paintings are not ingame items, this rule does not cover them.
  • You are allowed to sell and buy files that contain custom weapon models for real world currency, if you’re buying it from the person that created the model. You can not sell your model for real world currency if you have not designed it. Once the model is in-game, it can be traded only for in-game items by using the Gear Design item.

Breaking this rule will result in the following:
  • 1st. Advertising or discussing the trades in public or private game channels will result in a one week ban for all of the accounts of the advertiser. Going through with the trade will result in all of the accounts of the buyer and the seller being permanently locked to guest mode, including all of the accounts that they log in the future, making them unable to perform any trades with in-game characters.

* This rule will not be applied retroactively. If you have bought, sold, or traded accounts before this rule was instated, you will not receive a ban if you haven’t already.
* If you attempt to trade your account or in-game items for real world currency and end up being scammed, the responsibility for this is yours. Epic Perfect World will make no effort to recover your account or items.
* Account sharing between friends is allowed. To safely share your account with a friend, you can generate a guest password at http://panel.epicpw.com/guestpw.php. Keep in mind that your account is not fully protected with a guest password and you take full responsibility for any negative consequences that might result from this. Epic Perfect World will not provide support in regards to shared accounts. This includes recovering lost items, email & password changes, and other aid.
* You are not allowed to take items from a shared account, or do any action that might damage the characters on the account. Even though we do not provide support to the damaged party in this case, any offender will be banned as per rule 4.2.

Game client usage

8.1.  Using fly hack or third party game tools/bots is forbidden, this includes using Auto-Cultivation (F12). The rule does not concern so called gear macros/scripts.
Breaking this rule will result on the following:
  • 1st. character ban for 1 day
  • 2nd. account ban for 5 days
  • 3rd. long ban duration decided by GM

8.2.  Abusing in-game glitches and unintended developer bugs to get any advantage is forbidden.
Breaking this rule will result on the following:
  • 1st. Player will be warned to stop using bug or be account banned with length that is depending on the player's offense.

8.3.  Multi-clienting is allowed. However there are some exceptions. You may not multi-client in:
  • Territorial Wars. (Rule concerns multi-clienting in one or more TWs at the same time)
  • Nation Wars
  • Heroic Battle
  • Nightscream Island Events
  • Snake Isle Racing
  • Daily Rancor Events (up to 2 characters allowed)
  • Halloween / Snowmen events (up to 2 characters allowed)
  • Sunset Valley
  • Capture the Flag
Breaking this rule will result in the following:
  • 1st.  Player will be warned and have his alts kicked from game (1 min ban if person was caught by GM while multi-clienting).
  • 2nd. If player keeps multi-clienting despite warning, he will be banned with length that is depending on the offense.

8.4. Creating or selling cheats, hacks, bots, or any software that alters the online game experience is not allowed.
Breaking this rule will result in the following:
  • 1st.  Permanent ban to the main account of the user that created or sold the software.
  • 2nd. On repeated offenses, permanent ban to all of the user’s accounts, along with a permanent block from the game for the user.

Game Event Rules

9.1.   You are not allowed to abuse the game events that award PvP between the players in any of the following ways:
  • Using multiple characters from the same or different personal computers to repeatedly gain PvP kills.
  • Acting against the spirit of the event and dying on purpose, whether it be thorough weakening your character or not fighting.
  • Exchanging PvP kills with another player.

Breaking this rule will result in the following:
  • 1st. The player will be warned and banned from participating in the event for one day.
  • 2nd. The player will receive a one day ban and they will be banned from participating in the event on the offending character for one week.
  • 3rd. The player will receive a one week ban and they will be permanently banned from participating in the event on all of their characters.

9.2. Acting against the spirit of the event is not allowed. Examples of this include:
  • If the event includes fighting with a boss, “pulling” or “luring” the boss away from the players in order to extend the duration of the event.
  • Leaving a GM-hosted PvP event because you feel you are at a disadvantage because of your team, or other circumstances.

* This rule is open for interpretation. Act according to common sense and not in a way that worsens others’ game experience. There is no defined rule for punishment in the case of breaking this rule, and remains at GM’s discretion.

Custom Content rules

Custom Content includes intellectual property created for the purposes of Epic Perfect World. This includes in-game models, effects, textures, sounds & others. Custom Content rules apply to the content that's available in Epic Perfect World for all or limited groups of players. Custom Content rules do not apply to the content that is not available in Epic Perfect World, but might exist in some other form (e.g. custom model files).

Custom Content belongs to the creator of this custom content and Epic Perfect World, with the following exceptions:
  • Custom Content that is created and sold by requests & commissions belongs to the buyer and Epic Perfect World. If you are the creator of the custom content, selling it for any real or in-game currency voids you of the ownership.
  • Files that represent the custom content belong to the creator or the buyer until the content is imported into the game. After the content is imported in-game, the owner of the files becomes the owner of the in-game property.
  • Custom Content imported by Epic Perfect World's developers is owned by the developer and Epic Perfect World.

10.1. You may not use Custom Content that you are not the owner of, without explicit permission, in order to create derivatives of the original content. This includes copying and modifying existing custom content or its parts (e.g. models, effects, textures) for purposes of creating new content or modifying the current content. You may not use custom content created and owned by Epic Perfect World and its developers, without explicit permission, in order to create derivatives of the existing content.

Breaking this rule will result in the following:

  • 1st. Content which has been made as a result of breaking the rule will be permanently removed from the game. The guilty party will be able to replace the content with a new one for free.
  • 2nd. Content which has been made as a result of breaking the rule will be permanently removed from the game. The guilty party will have to pay to replace the content with a new one at a price that's three times higher than the regular price for replacing. If the guilty party refuses to pay the price of replacement, no refund will be provided and the content will be removed without replacement.
  • 3rd. Content which has been made as a result of breaking the rule will be permanently removed from the game without replacement. The guilty party will not be able to import custom content in the game for 30 days.
  • 4th. Content which has been made as a result of breaking the rule will be permanently removed from the game without replacement. The guilty party will not be able to import custom content in the game permanently.

* The guilty party are assumed to be both the creator of the content and the buyer of the content. In case only one party is guilty (e.g. the buyer did not know that the content they were buying breaks the rules), we will ask for information that proves this. In this case, only the guilty party will be punished. Withholding any information when questioned about the source of the content that breaks the rules will result in the punishment being applied twice to the party that's withholding the information.

10.2. Falsely accusing a player or a creator of breaking the above rules is not allowed. The accuser needs to provide verifiable and consistent proof that the rule has been broken. Otherwise, the accusation will be considered as false.

Breaking this rule will result in the following:

  • 1st. The player will be warned.
  • 2nd. The player will receive a one day ban to their main account.
  • 3rd. The player will receive a one week ban to all of their accounts.

* You may use content, without the need for permission, that is not specific to Epic Perfect World and exists in other Perfect World games.
* Epic Perfect World withholds the right to remove any custom content from the game at any point in time.

Rules for Custom GM Events

1.   No PVPing/Pking during custom events within eyesight of the GM and while he/she is giving out the prizes. (This rule and consequences can be changed AT THE BEGINNING of the event at the discretion of the GM holding the event in case they wish it to be pvp/pk allowed).
Breaking this rule will result in the following:
  • 1st. Player will be warned to not repeat the action.
  • 2nd. 30 minutes ban of the player.

2.   No KSing during event where bosses/mobs are being killed unless specified differently by the GM hosting the event or if the event is in a designated event PK zone(Cave of Sadistic Glee).
Breaking this rule will result in the following:
  • 1st. Player will be warned to not repeat the action.
  • 2nd. 30 minutes ban of the player.

3.   No giving answers or guesses in world chat or normal chat during the Hide&Seek and quiz events; if you wish to help others please do so in whisper, squad chat, guild chat or a chat room.
Breaking this rule will result in the following:
  • 1st. Player will be warned to not repeat the action.
  • 2nd. 30 minutes mute.

Forum Rules

1.   Act accordingly to the common sense. Respect other forum users and be polite. Do not insult, do not spam, don't post inappropriate content. Make sure that your forum messages are always related to the topic.

2. No advertisements, with exceptions that players can advertise their own work.

3. No giving out personal / sensitive information under any circumstance.

4. Do not question a staff members action at anytime whatsoever no matter how much you feel they are wrong. If you have problems with a staff member, don't post it on the forums or complain about it in world chat or normal chat. If you cannot settle the matter in whisper to said GM then send all complaints against the Staff Member to inf.

5. Making new forum accounts to escape the punishments is not tolerated and will end up with at least 2x higher penalty for each such offense.

6. Necroing old threads without a real reason is not allowed.
Mar 19, 2014, 12:39 am by Burdette | Views: 108669 | Comments: 0



Graphic Developer


Game Masters

Nea | NeaEA | Camp | NeaWF | neassecretalt | NeaWR | NeaDB

Pander | Pandemic | Pantry | Panorama | Pancetta | Panache | Pandemonium


Support Members




Click on any of the names above to view profiles or send a PM.

Please check our main page or here for GM Online Status.

Please note that when a GM is indicated as online, it is linked to the account, not the character.

The GM online may be on an alt.

All actively played alts are listed under GM names.

Thanks to Echo for the banner.

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