Epic Perfect World

NW cap

Offline Nea

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''he keeps pushing me'' best part.
Retired GM. Inf has been MIA for a while now and GMs can not update/patch the game

Offline littlelupe

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Nice one guys...good to see, some people still enjoying the game. When you are having fun, things just work much better.

Offline Foxglove

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It's only op when someone has the flag. In regular pvp/pk it sucks. Made the mistake of thinking my cleric would survive against a sin at last nw with my puri weapon on. I died. Quickly. Put def weapon on, same sin, couldn't kill me.

Mine rarely procs when I have the flag.  :normal-12:

Offline Naosu

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Mine rarely procs when I have the flag.  :normal-12:

lol Mine rarely procs to begin with. x.x So I stopped using it. Found out that I like defense better anyway. ^^"
What am I even doing?


''he keeps pushing me'' best part.
i was panicking, LOL

Nice one guys...good to see, some people still enjoying the game. When you are having fun, things just work much better.
that's why i love vent

Offline Charismatic Angel

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I didn't particularly understand it, but i thought it was entertaining o.o

Offline Atlantic

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This video is so funny :))

Offline BeNicePlease

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Mine rarely procs when I have the flag.  :normal-12:

Even God wants you to die