Epic Perfect World


Offline Xcution

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nice job ghandi in the making
Do you know the difference between me and Ghandi?
Ghandi would say why you are a good person. I say why you are complete idiot.


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Wow, nice thread Elanorr.

Offline epicseeker

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Wow, nice thread Elanorr.

It WOULD be a nice thread, if people could refrain from acting their shoe size, instead of their age.

This wasnt aimed at you Swane. Just people in general.

I just met you, but yes I'm crazy, I'll trace your number, and kill you maybe!
You just met me, but I know you're crazy, so lose my number, and keep the baby!


"So called "the most intelligent, sophisticated, evolutionized, the highest form of life on planet" can't possibly understand what incredible gift was given to them."

golden words mon :normal-8:

Offline littlelupe

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My first question would be: what you gonna do about this?
Do you think, you can do something about it? I actually think, you can.
The true absolute in the universe is love, not the sexual attraction thing, but the real love: unconditional gratitude towards the creator (whoever it may be) for making the universe for what it is and for making you  what you are, and of course lack of judgment and acknowledging beauty, richness and perfection of creation. Death is just a chapter in an infinite cycle; you do not really think that you will be gone after few years here, do you?
What you have described here, are the dark ages of humanity. They are based on control, manipulation, lack of knowledge and disinformation. Luckily, those times are almost over, more awareness is piercing through the darkness.
It does not take half of population, in order for humanity to shift its consciousness, it is actually much less than that and the critical mass has already been reached.
You can truly know what you like, if you understand what you do not like; this is what dark ages are for:)
P.S. There was a guy here, who wrote that he has not read the post, but he put 2 comments flaming about it. This is exactly what humankind used to be: judgmental, frustratzed, ignorant, selfish:) It is time to move on...
Last Edit: Sept 20, 2013, 05:58 pm by littlelupe

Offline ORACLE

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Offline epicseeker

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  • Don't run, you'll only die tired.

I just met you, but yes I'm crazy, I'll trace your number, and kill you maybe!
You just met me, but I know you're crazy, so lose my number, and keep the baby!


LMAO Busted out laughing at that. Wow. LOL