Epic Perfect World

The Story: Gods of EPW - The Sacred CotD Dagger.

Offline Cynix

  • Who is Cynix?
  • Jealousy is just love and hate at the same time.
  • Faction: Salvation
That story changed my life.  10/10 would suggest to a friend.
I'm basically 40

Offline Harry

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  • Faction: Outcasts☆
That story changed my life.  10/10 would suggest to a friend.

This ^ Hai Cynix. c:

Offline Aarkshan

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Nice 10 minute story :rolleyes:


Flash. One question. Are you high? And I like the story, went to walmart to get a 12 pack ninja star Lmfao And its 3 mins c:


Like 100% legit are you high flash? xD Share dat weed  :-[


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  • rip insanity
Like 100% legit are you high flash? xD Share dat weed  :-[
Tryhard post farmer.  :normal-16: :normal-42:


Tryhard post farmer.  :normal-16: :normal-42:
Nah, post farm was like, 8 months ago for me. Then Aga took off my count. Just said screw it, I would find random stuff to say just for count without getting spam warning XD

Offline LazyOne

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  • never fail to fail

Offline Cynix

  • Who is Cynix?
  • Jealousy is just love and hate at the same time.
  • Faction: Salvation
I'm basically 40

Offline Sleep

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  • Retired Staff Member
  • A really saucy
  • Empathy is a dying art.
  • Characters: Sleep|Snooze|Opiate|Snore
  • Faction: EPW_Team

Offline Nea

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Retired GM. Inf has been MIA for a while now and GMs can not update/patch the game

Offline Resolve

  • Flurry of Dancing Flames
  • Characters: Resolve
  • Faction: Apollumi\Nohomo

We're nothing like God. Not only do we have limited powers, but sometimes we're driven to become the devil himself.

Offline Milan

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  • Faction: Tyrants

amazing story, i read all... looking forward to sequal

Offline MorbidAngel

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as soon as I read god I had to do this- HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAAHAHA, no such thing as a god of anything. theres always someone bigger and badder in life at the thing your doing.

Morbid/\ngel - 150 seeker

Offline Milan

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  • Faction: Tyrants
as soon as I read god I had to do this- HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAAHAHA, no such thing as a god of anything. theres always someone bigger and badder in life at the thing your doing.

its a joke ofc -.-