Epic Perfect World

You've seen me dancing... Geuss what...

So i want to share my other love, and that's playing the djembe... i've been doing it since i was young, and i just want to show ya'll how various my passion for music is.. I hope i can make a living out of this, untill then i will just wait and pray/practice for the best. As the years have passed i've always practiced the place didn't matter. I hope ya'll take your time watching the 2 minutes of me playing.
Thank you for reading through.
I am playing the djembe.


PS: I am sorry for my cockyness/egorance and i am serious about that.

Play it from 23:08


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I miss how you used to spam wc to get some attention, come back.  :normal-12:

Offline epicseeker

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PS: I am sorry for my cockiness/arrogance  and i am serious about that.

Sorry couldnt resist correcting this lol nothing personal just busting your balls  :monkey-12: :monkey-2:

I just met you, but yes I'm crazy, I'll trace your number, and kill you maybe!
You just met me, but I know you're crazy, so lose my number, and keep the baby!

Offline Nicolle

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Offline poo!ッ

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Offline Plague

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i geussed this was going to be another useless thread, where's my reward?

Offline ~TheQueenB~

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very nice!! I too play hand drums and Djembe is one of my favorites :)
~RUMORS are carried by HATERS, spread by FOOLS, & accepted by IDIOTS~

Offline Uriel

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Next generation Lars Ulrich, gf.

Offline Ɗҽʂιɠɳҽɾ

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Hi u from zoo?:)))

Offline Deference

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You need to be in Americas got talent 2k14
I miss how you used to spam wc to get some attention, come back.  :normal-12:

 :normal-2: :normal-37:

Offline Evangelica♀

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So i want to share my other love, and that's playing the djembe... i've been doing it since i was young, and i just want to show ya'll how various my passion for music is.. I hope i can make a living out of this, untill then i will just wait and pray/practice for the best. As the years have passed i've always practiced the place didn't matter. I hope ya'll take your time watching the 2 minutes of me playing.
Thank you for reading through.
I am playing the djembe.


PS: I am sorry for my cockyness/egorance and i am serious about that.

Play it from 23:08

1st:   I loved watching you playing the djembe....you should be very proud of yourself!  :smiley:

2nd:  I fail to see why you have to apologize for being you.  You do not see the PRICKS here on the forum, who love to derail everything, apologizing for being pricks, do you?

There is nothing wrong with you, people should start accepting others for who they are and not try and change them into someone else.

“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” | Mahatma Gandhi
1st:   I loved watching you playing the djembe....you should be very proud of yourself!  :smiley:

2nd:  I fail to see why you have to apologize for being you.  You do not see the PRICKS here on the forum, who love to derail everything, apologizing for being pricks, do you?

There is nothing wrong with you, people should start accepting others for who they are and not try and change them into someone else.

Don't worry i was just playing with those guys they don't mean sht to me, ofc i aint apoligizing to them, they obv hate

Offline iAmMeOk

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People are "hating" on you because you're a very immature person and always feel the need to have attention.

Offline Shimmer

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People are "hating" on you because you're a very immature person and always feel the need to have attention.

Not to mention that he is generally rude and nasty to people and talking about how he is so much better than everybody...then tries to say he is innocent and everybody else attacks him for no reason.

*Shimmer ~ Alysra ~ Sunara*