Epic Perfect World

paying for this ini :D

Offline Btchpls

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okay so.......paying 500ec for the one that make me a ini look like this one

ok so...u all got 1 day :D
the one that looks like this / close to it win ( CLOSE not like 50% of it lol )
good luck  i guess now :D
 :tiger-13: :tiger-13:
Last Edit: Sept 18, 2013, 07:19 pm by Berserkr

Offline Abis

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1st try
2nd try
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Offline Vermilion

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scaleUp = 183
scaleMiddle = 83
scaleDown = 81

idFaceShape1 = 62
idFaceShape2 = 62
blendFaceShape = 50

scaleFaceH = 128
scaleFaceV = 128
idFaceTex = 855

idFalingSkin = 433
idFalingTex = 437

offsetForeheadH = 109
offsetForeheadV = 64
offsetForeheadZ = 128
rotateForehead = 126
scaleForehead = 128

offsetYokeBoneH = 166
offsetYokeBoneV = 134
offsetYokeBoneZ = 160
rotateYokeBone = 129
scaleYokeBone = 80

offsetCheekH = 172
offsetCheekV = 136
offsetCheekZ = 150
scaleCheek = 121

offsetChainV = 128
offsetChainZ = 64
rotateChain = 136
scaleChainH = 110

offsetJawH = 166
offsetJawV = 134
offsetJawZ = 70
scaleJawSpecial = 153
scaleJawH = 107
scaleJawV = 124

idThirdEye = 0
idEyeBaseTex = 50
idEyeHighTex = 49
idEyeBallTex = 1046
idEyeShape = 76
scaleEyeH = 169
scaleEyeV = 147
rotateEye = 152
offsetEyeH = 137
offsetEyeV = 135
offseteyeZ = 128
scaleEyeBall = 189
scaleEyeH2 = 169
scaleEyeV2 = 147
rotateEye2 = 152
offsetEyeH2 = 137
offsetEyeV2 = 135
offseteyeZ2 = 128
scaleEyeBall2 = 189

idBrowTex = 45
idBrowShape = 70
scaleBrowH = 128
scaleBrowV = 115
rotateBrow = 145
offsetBrowH = 102
offsetBrowV = 112
offsetBrowZ = 128
scaleBrowH2 = 128
scaleBrowV2 = 115
rotateBrow2 = 145
offsetBrowH2 = 102
offsetBrowV2 = 112
offsetBrowZ2 = 128

idNoseTex = 41
idNoseTipShape = 58
scaleNoseTipH = 98
scaleNoseTipV = 128
scaleNoseTipZ = 78
offsetNoseTipV = 140
idNoseBridgeShape = 57
scaleBridgeTipH = 93
offsetBridgeTipZ = 91

idMouthUpLipLine = 80
idMouthMidLipLine = 77
idMouthDownLipLine = 83
thickUpLip = 153
thickDownLip = 140
scaleMouthH = 100
offsetMouthV = 140
offsetMOuthZ = 128
idMouthTex = 52
offsetCornerOfMouthSpecial = 129
scaleMouthH2 = 100
offsetCornerOfMouthSpecial2 = 129

idEarShape = 59
scaleEar = 74
offsetEarV = 136

idHairModel = 878
idHairTex = 888

idMoustacheTex = 204
idMoustacheSkin = 186
idGoateeTex = 596

colorHair = -789521
colorFace = -2049648
colorEye = -1
colorBrow = -13359322
colorMouth = -1
colorEyeBall = -12539173
colorMoustache = -11571145

bodyID = 0
colorBody = -2049648
headScale = 126
upScale = 110
waistScale = 100
armWidth = 110
legWidth = 110
breastScale = 128
1st try
2nd try

Offline Btchpls

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1st try
2nd try
now log on EPW n see if the icon look the sme as the one i poster :P if so post that

Offline Abis

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actually i edit second one cause the first one is open wide so need to make it similar what he said

~I'm Leader~
LVL 152 R8 Psy/Sin/Wiz/Barb/Seeker/Veno/Archer/BM/Mystic 
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Offline Abis

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now log on EPW n see if the icon look the sme as the one i poster :P if so post that
no give more time im going to make it perfect just look like that.
~I'm Leader~
LVL 152 R8 Psy/Sin/Wiz/Barb/Seeker/Veno/Archer/BM/Mystic 
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Offline Btchpls

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no give more time im going to make it perfect just look like that.
ok ;p


I'd tap that fish, looks pretty cool imo. Also kinda looks like an ini someone made for you before

Offline Abis

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only the mouth getting mess up or the eye i'll be back later and finish it up sadly if someone finish it before me.
~I'm Leader~
LVL 152 R8 Psy/Sin/Wiz/Barb/Seeker/Veno/Archer/BM/Mystic 
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okay so.......paying 500ec for the one that make me a ini look like this one

ok so...u all got 2 days
the one that looks like this / close to it win ( CLOSE not like 50% of it lol )
good luck  i guess now :D
 :tiger-13: :tiger-13:
You can find it on google. :normal-18:

Offline Btchpls

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  • Characters: Elimination
You can find it on google. :normal-18:
i lazy to look <3

Offline Btchpls

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  • Characters: Elimination

only the mouth getting mess up or the eye i'll be back later and finish it up sadly if someone finish it before me.
dw u got time til tomonrow :P