Epic Perfect World

Server down so quick question

Offline Nea

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If server goes down,i do 2 things,open youtube and search for metal while i eat cereals. ;o #1 hobby
Retired GM. Inf has been MIA for a while now and GMs can not update/patch the game


I wait for it to come online :normal-4:


too much off topic, this thread will be locked soon  :normal-20:

why, that's what people do when server is offline, they eat each other on forums :normal-2:

Offline Abis

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why, that's what people do when server is offline, they eat each other on forums :normal-2:
LOL  :normal-2: trash talking
On Topic: uhm when the server is down, i read novel's, edit picture or something worth to waste my time on.
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Offline Far

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Offline Chibbi

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i go out  :P
Go out?
Like outside...with pople?! O.O
You're weird
Hold me I'm scared


go sleep, since there isnt anything else in life other than pw   :normal-35:

Offline Meese

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go sleep, since there isnt anything else in life other than pw   :normal-35:

pw4lyfe  :'(

Offline epicseeker

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go sleep, since there isnt anything else in life other than pw   :normal-35:

I like the way you think

I just met you, but yes I'm crazy, I'll trace your number, and kill you maybe!
You just met me, but I know you're crazy, so lose my number, and keep the baby!

Offline Xcution

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I surf the net or look through my tens of thousands of EPW ss's and pick out the best ones, spam EPW forums, make guide for my faction website, Photoshop, watch movies, listen to music, sometimes rock in CS:Portable on kongregate.com and/or do lots of different stuff.