Epic Perfect World

Coming back to EPW

Offline Malarix

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So I left about a year and a half ago to play other stuff, especially D3 (which ended in disappointment), and now I'm coming back to play EPW again.  Stuff seems to have changed, but not too much I think.

Anyway, I have some questions about stuff so I can get back into the swing of things.

First, I've seen that coins are worth something now since a lot of people seem to be selling most of their stuff for coins or EC.  So I'm wondering what the best method of farming coins is, specifically for me since I still have my 150 BM with Dragon gear.  I was thinking from what I've done so far that maybe farming FC or something like that and selling the mats might be the quickest way for me, but I'm still not sure.

Second, I'm wondering what the most highly sought after or highest tier of gear is for a BM, since that's the class I'm going to still stick with.  I heard that R8 recast is what most people go for, but I'm kind of wondering what the specific reasons or stats are that make that the best in slot.

Last, I'm wondering where some of the shops I used to use went, if they were moved or actually removed from the server.  I went a while ago to change my fashion and realized I couldn't find a fashion vendor, nor did the boutique have any fashion in it that I could find, and I looked for a pretty long time (the only thing I could find were weapon skins).  That's a specific shop I couldn't find, but I'm sure there are more I won't be able to find later.

If anyone feels like giving me some quick tips/refreshers on some of this stuff I'd greatly appreciate it  ;D

EDIT: Found the fashion vendor, other stuff still pending :P
Last Edit: Aug 30, 2013, 07:22 pm by Malarix

Offline HellishKitty

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Offline Niani

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Go check the forums :) its almost daily updated :)

Offline Malarix

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Go check the forums :) its almost daily updated :)

I've been checking the forums, in fact I've checked almost every relevant guide in the Guide section of the forums, and not one of them has had answers I've been looking for unfortunately.


So I left about a year and a half ago to play other stuff, especially D3 (which ended in disappointment), and now I'm coming back to play EPW again.  Stuff seems to have changed, but not too much I think.

Anyway, I have some questions about stuff so I can get back into the swing of things.

First, I've seen that coins are worth something now since a lot of people seem to be selling most of their stuff for coins or EC.  So I'm wondering what the best method of farming coins is, specifically for me since I still have my 150 BM with Dragon gear.  I was thinking from what I've done so far that maybe farming FC or something like that and selling the mats might be the quickest way for me, but I'm still not sure.

Second, I'm wondering what the most highly sought after or highest tier of gear is for a BM, since that's the class I'm going to still stick with.  I heard that R8 recast is what most people go for, but I'm kind of wondering what the specific reasons or stats are that make that the best in slot.

Last, I'm wondering where some of the shops I used to use went, if they were moved or actually removed from the server.  I went a while ago to change my fashion and realized I couldn't find a fashion vendor, nor did the boutique have any fashion in it that I could find, and I looked for a pretty long time (the only thing I could find were weapon skins).  That's a specific shop I couldn't find, but I'm sure there are more I won't be able to find later.

If anyone feels like giving me some quick tips/refreshers on some of this stuff I'd greatly appreciate it  ;D

EDIT: Found the fashion vendor, other stuff still pending :P

I make my coin by selling FC mats. It's a pretty good way to make coin. I also sell heaven cotton/devil wood (you can buy them with Faction Base Merit now), and selling Pure God Stone which you can also buy in the base now.

Most people choose R8 because of the increased defense level among other things.

As for the fashion NPCs, there are some near the West Arch Banker. There are also some near the 1K Streams Elder. You buy your dyes at a Seamstress.


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[8/22/13 12:56:05 PM] Fab: come, i headhunt your pants
[8/22/13 12:56:38 PM] Bre :3: You're so cute I shadow walk before coming near you.
[8/22/13 12:56:59 PM] Scott: You make me fully charge my take aim.
[8/22/13 12:57:46 PM] Hong: You're so hot even soul of fire cant stop you
[8/22/13 12:57:46 PM] Scott: You make my domain absolute.
[8/22/13 12:58:18 PM] Bre :3: Your beauty stuns me through belief.
[8/22/13 1:00:04 PM] Scott: Keep this up and i'll release my deadly shot.

Offline Fab

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I dont know you but welcome back  :normal-36:

Offline 𝓕 𝓪 𝔂 𝓮

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I dont know you but welcome back  :normal-36:

Dat post count.

And I didn't know you, but welcome back.  :monkey-1:

Offline Fab

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Dat post count.

And I didn't know you, but welcome back.  :monkey-1:

Well, shit.

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