Epic Perfect World

Sin full r8 apsing?!?!?

Offline SaltySupreme

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Let. This. Topic. Die. People will take any chance they can get to flame this topic.
like dis.

I'm only keeping this account open because of the memories I have on here, the good and the bad. I logged in just to change my account, and then I'm putting this dusty book back on the shelf.

Offline Hammer_Time

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leave the buttpain against sins and tell mami to put some cream on it.

Regarless the mad baby and back on topic, tidal does not negate damage, just status, and not ALL OF THEM, against sins i get immovilized 3 times/ slept at least 2 times in that minute. You guys focus too much on tidal. You will come here saying tidal is not the problem is aps blah blah blah. But full rank8 sins lack of speed, unless you are wearing dragon dagger which will bring you to 2.50 average. Yeyeye Relentless courage op: this is stupid. Relentless courage drains a lot of energy, last only a few secs and cant be spammeable.  Yes is deadly yes. But so is str genie, the regeneration is not fast enough due to the massive amount of str and energy that requires. If you die to a skill that last only 8 secs, drains almost completely the genie energy and leaves the sin without defense except tidal, if you die to this, you are not worth of my pvp opinion.

Who are you calling mad?LOL.I brought up tidal because u brought up purify spell in this discussion and no, I am not QQing about it because there is nothing that can be done to nerf it,also would wreck the class.Back to the topic(which was the 10 extra attack lvl added to full r8)3x int wrist sins or 2x int top sins get to abuse that 10 attack lvls big time.This bonus was meant to DPH so this is why it should be removed from r8 set and added to CoTD type blessing blessing.What exactly is your competent reason to claim this bonus for dps?

Offline Barbie

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If you removed int from the chest only, what would the APS become? Also whats the 4th r8 armour bonus?

Offline Elena

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If you removed int from the chest only, what would the APS become? Also whats the 4th r8 armour bonus?
Atk lvl...?

Offline ahed

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take aps out the game from r8 armors = you lost 60% of server's donors   :normal-13:

Offline Hammer_Time

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If you removed int from the chest only, what would the APS become? Also whats the 4th r8 armour bonus?
Sins got 35 attack lvl as a full set bonus on r8,instead of 25.The 10 attack lvl were added when 0.10 int from 3rd part set was nerfed to 0.05,and the attack lvl bonus was meant for dph not aps.

Offline ChicaBomb

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This thread still going  :police:   I love fish, still.
when InTake gets ct buff

Offline Deference

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This thread still going  :police:   I love fish, still.

Fish are cool.  :police:


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This thread still going  :police:   I love fish, still.

Fish are cool.  :police:
You 2 are cute.  :police:

Offline ChicaBomb

  • fuck france
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You 2 are cute.  :police:

Your not too bad yourself.   :police: :police: :police:
when InTake gets ct buff

Offline Deference

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You 2 are cute.  :police:

You try flirt Player_Swane its the very cute  :police: :police: :police:


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Your not too bad yourself.   :police: :police: :police:
Aw, thank you Astoot.  :police: :police: :police:

You try flirt Player_Swane its the very cute  :police: :police: :police:
Yes, I'm its try but I'm = NID learn very good.  :police: :police: :police:

Offline BeNicePlease

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momo sig op

Offline ChicaBomb

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momo sig op

Where momo sig  ???
when InTake gets ct buff

Offline Agatio

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I will close it since it's been already answered by me.