Epic Perfect World

Folder corrupted?

Offline Cortimi

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Hi, just redownloaded this after a few months. It won't start, patch, or do anything. When trying to patch it just says "File folder corrupt".
Cortimi - Demon Seeker
Cortimis - Demon Barbarian

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Have you tried verifying? o:

Offline Cortimi

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Yeah I thought the verify thing had failed because it stopped for about 20 minutes then just...went. It made it to the title screen, then to the character screen, then hung as soon as I selected a character. Soon as I bring the patcher up again, get the "corrupted" message.
Last Edit: Aug 19, 2013, 04:15 pm by Cortimi
Cortimi - Demon Seeker
Cortimis - Demon Barbarian

Offline Meese

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Try verifying it again, it will take some time. Run the Fixit.bat file in the patcher folder to see if that will fix your problem. If the problem persists, try re-installing.


clean all epw folder components, reinstall, update to 69, if goes wrong verify,repeat.

Offline Cortimi

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I don't know how I could "reinstall" it as the download I got from the site was a 6+GB zip file that unpacked into a portable installation...

Got in finally, guess I'll see what's up.
Last Edit: Aug 19, 2013, 05:16 pm by Cortimi
Cortimi - Demon Seeker
Cortimis - Demon Barbarian

Offline Agatio

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Offline Cortimi

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I guess I will just have to re-Verify every time I want to log in. Could be worse.
Cortimi - Demon Seeker
Cortimis - Demon Barbarian

Offline Meese

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Have you tried running the game using the element client? (go to the element folder and find the element.exe) it by-passes the launcher. This is what I use so I can skip starting the launcher and stuff.

Offline Agatio

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I guess I will just have to re-Verify every time I want to log in. Could be worse.

Run the patcher in Windows XP compatibility mode (should be available under right click -> solve compatibility issues or under properties)

The issue should be fixed very soon though with a small patch.

Offline Cortimi

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The issue should be fixed very soon though with a small patch.
Yeah from what I remember, you always resolve stuff really quick. Thanks again.
Cortimi - Demon Seeker
Cortimis - Demon Barbarian

Offline SoulMouse

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May be a little late to the thread, but for future reference...
It said my own Folder was corrupted, so I just load the game from within the 'Element' folder. It starts up the game without the patcher (could be a little dangerous I know, but it's never failed me in the past ;P).