Guys, what about a new event?I was thinking and i maybe had an suggestion for an event.I thought of an name too, Work your way up So what it is, u have 4 teams of 5 players, a GM spawns mobs from Stage1>Stage2>Stage3>EPIC. Stage1 is mobs spawning of 2 minutes and not so hard to kill, Stage2 is 4 minutes of mobs spawning and kinda hard to kill, Stage3 is 6 minutes mobs spawning and hard to kill and EPIC is 10 minutes of mobs spawning and really hard to kill and it ends with an boss. The team that finishes first wins.Post down your thoughts.#Swaggs#FabioLicious
Another PvE event, hell NO.Go die f4grid
The mobs should drop items depending on what "stage" so even if the other teams do not finish first they are still rewarded something for their effort.
Your title doesn't give much away Farid also it should be in the suggestions forum :x and whats with the #Swaggs? I don't understand what that is, explain plox.I welcome the idea of PvE Events but there should be 1st second and 3rd prizes ^_^
Killing mobs for 10mins on an event?? No thnx