Epic Perfect World

1v1 Arena

Offline xXSwaneXx

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I was thinking of adding an arena, sort of like the one in the main cities, but made for 1v1. To enter you must pay a fee ( GMs can think of several options 5 ec, 50, 100 , 500 etc ) and you get ported in it with a member of your squad. After you're in you can start 1v1ing and after 3, 5, 7 tries (however much you chose in beggining) , you will be ported out and the winner will take the EC from both you and the opponent. Probably it's too complicated to be put in the game, but heh, it would be a nice idea. Keep people busy while winning something, and get rid of boredom. No flaming please.
i feel like i'm dead


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10/10 would be nice to have something like this.

Offline ☠EvilTouch☠

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lol me and Agatio are working on something similar to this lol
we just don't post ot be surprise  :sad:

but yea we are doing this  >:D

Offline ☠EvilTouch☠

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using the arena or something

 like whoever wanna join

 talk to npc, pay like 150 epic coins...(lvl 150 exemple)

 after payed the 150 coins they r ported to a room

 where is everyone

 this room is impossible to trade

 the room will hide players names

 the room must be impossible to party

 etc..rules ot think along the way

‎14‎:‎49 after like 10min ? sounds ok

 na npc appears

 and ppl talk to it

 then 2 players are randomly teleported to 1 room

 and so on

 til last 2 players for final match

 same as wushu but for 1vs1

*skype convo*


  • WTF u try ?
using the arena or something

 like whoever wanna join

 talk to npc, pay like 150 epic coins...(lvl 150 exemple)

 after payed the 150 coins they r ported to a room

 where is everyone

 this room is impossible to trade

 the room will hide players names

 the room must be impossible to party

 etc..rules ot think along the way

‎14‎:‎49 after like 10min ? sounds ok

 na npc appears

 and ppl talk to it

 then 2 players are randomly teleported to 1 room

 and so on

 til last 2 players for final match

 same as wushu but for 1vs1

*skype convo*

VERI Nice master

Offline Deference

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10/10 would be nice to have something like this.

Offline Maok

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You'll need something like a purge too in the waiting room..

Offline ~TheQueenB~

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great suggestion
~RUMORS are carried by HATERS, spread by FOOLS, & accepted by IDIOTS~

Offline Unicorn2

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I like this. Now if only I could kill people....
[9:54:05 AM] ♥: Yes, my Dear One. Rub it, and rub it good.

Offline BeNicePlease

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Make class vs class option too.
ik I only have interest in fighting my class

Offline Cynix

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This sounds fun. I'd like to try it ^_^
I'm basically 40

Offline Syn

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If you can make this 1 vs 1, I guess it could also be made 10 vs 10. (Some of us enjoy more group pvp)
Haku - Mystic 150
Pizza - Cleric 150


I like this. Now if only I could kill people....
:-[ i kno how you feel

Offline xXSwaneXx

  • i wake up
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  • Characters: Insanity
  • Faction: Xpendable
Necroing this, is it gonna be done anytime in the future
i feel like i'm dead

Offline 1337

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It would be good if the veno reflect didn't work and the mg reversion worked though