Epic Perfect World

Lag Since Host Change

Offline Vionn

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Anyone else been lagging a ton since hosts changed? I know people who have, but I wanna know if it's widespread. I'm fine one minute then my ping spikes to like 10k and I freeze. I was way less laggy before the host change :x

Offline zFlashx

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It's still in the same location as the old host, but this host is better DDoS protected - only difference, must just be on your behalf.

Offline Shay

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I have noticed a bit more lag, but.. I have issues when I switch characters.  Most of the time I dont see my other chars.   When I log off and come back I am not able to put in my log-in info.  The bars are there, I just cant type. So again I have to log off and start again. ( this happens 50% of the time )
Never had the issue before the change. :-\

Offline 𝐿𝒾𝓁𝒶𝒸

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I've noticed it too. I'm used to lagging 24/7 but I never used to freeze or be unable to PK before. Seems to spike quite badly sometimes. Dunno if host change is to blame or not.
Hoping it will settle down and that it is just a hiccup.

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Offline Feone

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It's still in the same location as the old host, but this host is better DDoS protected - only difference, must just be on your behalf.

DDoS protections can be a cause of lag.

Offline JHIN

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Anyone else been lagging a ton since hosts changed? I know people who have, but I wanna know if it's widespread. I'm fine one minute then my ping spikes to like 10k and I freeze. I was way less laggy before the host change :x
im having the same prob. more laggy now. hope its just my provider.
i quit barb just playin' support classes i am no good in 1v1.

i give up PK too hard everyone too stronk. i guess i'm forever noob x.x

Offline Mx11y

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Yeah I've been having massive lag spikes since the last update.

Offline Harry

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I've only had one issue, and lag spiked to around 5k, but quickly came back. Idm it.

Offline VookieCookie

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Well I just logged in today and I also noticed rly big lags...

Offline Aujami

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yea it's way more laggy than before  :'( no more 50+ ppl mass pk  :tiger-38: hope it get fixed soon it can't be our net provider not when more than half server experiencing the lag spikes

Offline 𝒫𝒽𝑜𝓃𝑔𝒩𝒽𝒾

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I lagg like crazy after the host changed... last patch I had normally with dual clients was 200ms-400ms now I'm getting 2k-6kms qqqqq


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It's fine for me and I got same ping as before. :normal-1:

Offline ChicaBomb

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No lag here. My ping is lower, infact.  :smiley:
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Offline Blashcko

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Anyone else been lagging a ton since hosts changed? I know people who have, but I wanna know if it's widespread. I'm fine one minute then my ping spikes to like 10k and I freeze. I was way less laggy before the host change :x

I'm experiencing that too ;< sad

* Keifazli/Blashcko*

Offline epicseeker

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I'm not only  experiencing environment lag (rubber banding, Mob collision issues)  but my ping spikes, as well as having terrible skill lag, 1-3 seconds before skill begins channeling after I click it. Very aggravating.

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