Epic Perfect World

NERF Sin Spark!!

Offline Mentalista

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Good Night, what i wanna talk is about sin spark, is not a nerf, ignore the title of topic, is more a adjust around stealth and spark.
My suggestion is, when the sin spark, your stealth go off, like with Ataraxia of archers, so another class will have the time to be prepare for the dmg, cause its really easy, REALLY EASY, u spark while stealth, then u jump to your enemy, use Occult Ice(that block all your skills and genie skills) and kill u, its really easy, so im not suggesting to low the aps or the dmg of sins, i just wanna that when they spark, they unstealth and we can at least prepared for survive and counter-atk.

Ty, stay with Alah.

My damage log collection NEW

Offline Pain

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use Occult Ice(that block all your skills and genie skills)

No? You can use every single genie skill when occult'd. Stop trying to make other classes less powerful just because you're a 1-second-psychic.


...so since you couldn't get psys un-nerfed, you want to nerf sins?


Offline Maok

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Offline Harry

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It's not a nerf, but you want them nerfed. GG.

Offline Bill Dipperly

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Good Night, what i wanna talk is about sin spark, is not a nerf, ignore the title of topic, is more a adjust around stealth and spark.
My suggestion is, when the sin spark, your stealth go off, like with Ataraxia of archers, so another class will have the time to be prepare for the dmg, cause its really easy, REALLY EASY, u spark while stealth, then u jump to your enemy, use Occult Ice(that block all your skills and genie skills) and kill u, its really easy, so im not suggesting to low the aps or the dmg of sins, i just wanna that when they spark, they unstealth and we can at least prepared for survive and counter-atk.

Ty, stay with Alah.
Totally agree.



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Offline epicseeker

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Good Night, what i wanna talk is about sin spark, is not a nerf, ignore the title of topic, is more a adjust around stealth and spark.
My suggestion is, when the sin spark, your stealth go off, like with Ataraxia of archers, so another class will have the time to be prepare for the dmg, cause its really easy, REALLY EASY, u spark while stealth, then u jump to your enemy, use Occult Ice(that block all your skills and genie skills) and kill u, its really easy, so im not suggesting to low the aps or the dmg of sins, i just wanna that when they spark, they unstealth and we can at least prepared for survive and counter-atk.

Ty, stay with Alah.

I didnt think I'd get to use this so soon. Thank you.

I just met you, but yes I'm crazy, I'll trace your number, and kill you maybe!
You just met me, but I know you're crazy, so lose my number, and keep the baby!

Offline HellishKitty

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Good Night, what i wanna talk is about sin spark, is not a nerf, ignore the title of topic, is more a adjust around stealth and spark.
My suggestion is, when the sin spark, your stealth go off, like with Ataraxia of archers, so another class will have the time to be prepare for the dmg, cause its really easy, REALLY EASY, u spark while stealth, then u jump to your enemy, use Occult Ice(that block all your skills and genie skills) and kill u, its really easy, so im not suggesting to low the aps or the dmg of sins, i just wanna that when they spark, they unstealth and we can at least prepared for survive and counter-atk.

Ty, stay with Alah.


Offline Casanova.

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EPW GM's can't do anything about ''nerfing stealth sparks''... That's a developer's job, go pwi and cry there, they won't do anything anyways about it, it was nerfed already once long ago when tideborns first came out. And quit complaining, you got something called 'White Voodoo' use it?

Or just roll a sin and pm Gakido - Master Yoda, and he will think about making you his apprentice so you learn the way of the Assasin! ASHUAHUAHUAHUA:normal-25: :normal-2:

Offline Sleep

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You don't want to exasperate GN Sleep  :pig-11: :pig-37:

Offline Consist

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Sins are OP...but don't nerf them cuz i wanna make one.

Offline HellishKitty

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