So I've been trying to get a cape, been trying to do TM SoT, not sure why but the timer will not pop up, it has to come to my understanding that you cannot move or buff once you get into the TM, atleast until timer pops up, but for like 7 times now, the timer does not come up, and no one moved, buffed, some of us didn't even breathe.Just wondering; what could be causing this?
already mentioned in the Guide,you can move there wont be any issue..just that the "Squad leader Dsnt have to click CONFIRM on the pop up quest till the time you get the Trophy mat." Each Character can only be the Leader of the party once per day. This is so to motivate a more teamwork comunity. The process is simple if you wanna complete successgully in 4 days. Grab a party of 6 players and simply rotate the Leader of the same party (needing to reset obviously) to reset the TM. This way you can get 6 runs a day in 1 Character which leads you to obtain the ☆☆Supreme Robe: Dominance in 4 days.
this new TM's are teamwork based, thats why all the tricks.for easy and solo can simply make the old TM's
I was following the guide. No one moved, didn't click confirm, was waiting for mat, never got one, waiting a min or two. Guess I'll try waiting longer, but several of us tried that.It was the beginning of our runs, those who were lead hadn't been party leader for the past 24hrs.It's just frustrating because it is very buggy, fails quite a lot and is hard when you have....less competent.....people in squad :xI know it's not meant to be easy, but that should be skill-wise, not....activating quest-wise.