Today during NW i ended up getting DC'd 2 times during combat and recieveded no personal credits for those, but at the end of NW i had 151 tokens but i did not recieve any and im not sure if its just slow or theres a problem so i thought best to leave a message and see
Well the NW map crashed twice, which is not the GM's fault. These things happen in any game. Sometimes the server just derps and you can't always predict it.I also went through the d/cs, only made it into two actual wars. Both of which, I received exactly 640 credits, even though it was 20v20 wars that we actually won and I was spam healing and buffing, as well as DDing, which leads me to believe I was bugged overall. I only got 36ST for this NW. But, I digress....Anyway, there are a lot of people in the same position. However, it was just an unfortunate circumstance and I don't think the GMs owe anyone or can dish out rewards. With probably around 200-300 people in NW, it's almost impossible for them to determine who got what, who did this, who did that, who afked etc etc. I agree that it's a bitch that some people got more than others blah blah blah, but that's luck and that's life.Credits got messed up, nations got messed up, but hey, we have NW again on Sunday. As long as they work towards preventing it in the future, everyone just needs to move on. I know it sucks, but shit happens.Happy gaming.