Epic Perfect World

GM's vs whole PKr's

Offline _feedback_

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i don't know if u approve or implement this but i think we need a pk event vs GM's  ;D >:D


Offline Barbie

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I think they already did one of these. I would love to face a GM in normal gears though ^^

Offline Harry

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GMS are all gear no skill. kkkk.

Offline Barbie

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GMS are all gear no skill. kkkk.

Sounds like fight talk D:

Offline Fatigue

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Going GM vs Player in dragon only sounds fun.

Offline Nea

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Retired GM. Inf has been MIA for a while now and GMs can not update/patch the game

Offline Frend

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Coffee 3-3 Agatio 1-2 Brash 10-0 Khaleesi 1-6 gf

Offline ☠ ℘unk ӂ ღ ӂ ℰℳℴ ф

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jajajja sounds fun ._. finally times up to kick some GM's (:


GMS are all gear no skill. kkkk.
hehehehehhehehehe you funny

Offline DanBalan

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hehehehehhehehehe you funny



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GMS are all gear no skill. kkkk.

Offline Pain

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GMS are all gear no skill. kkkk.

hehehehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhehehhhhhhhh ehhhhheheheheh funi gai =0)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Last Edit: July 27, 2013, 03:32 pm by qt

Offline Janrey

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hehehehehhehehehe you funny

Offline Fab

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GMS are all gear no skill. kkkk.


Offline MorbidAngel

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I had fun fighting WT and ryan (ex gm) in normal gears. sounds like a good idea

Morbid/\ngel - 150 seeker