Epic Perfect World

Regarding the unbalanced stuff's.

Offline Pig

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  • Wannabe Archer.
Hello, first of all i would like to inform you that this is not some random thread and there is majority of people who would even agree this.. so kindly do not delete this thread like you deleted the previous ones. would highly appreciate. thanking you in advance. =)
first thing is that casting archers, where archer was suppose to be Dex build and some even call it dph or w/e You let them have enough ct so that they can even kill full buffed players, second thing you plan on reducing the ct and in that even you reduce just -10, you keep rest of the ct just because people have donated for it and you do not with them to ragequit our server. which i call bs. You need to deal with the OVERPOWERED shit's whenever you can or you get time to.
Seeker's one hit blademasters, then archers or other class is easy for them imo since i play that character aswell archer which is aps based...(please don't suggest me to use genie and stuff's which i am aware of, you would die in one hit of their zerk still.)
barbarians hits 18k on some normal skills and the skill which drops you down when you are flying, it hits exactly how much HP you have got ( i call it a bug)
Rest classes are ok in my opinion.. and yeah now don't say that this has been discussed before and blah blah blah, i would like to see what exactly you think about it and how you get it resolved since you are the one and only dev.
Troll's are welcomed, thank you.

Offline ibi

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Well since u were able donate for EC, it pretty sure caused the imbalance your talking bout. Since i still see a lot of archer which it didnt take any effect on, they're still instant channeling. And yea, since u cant donate for EC anymore those people will always have an advantage over others. But yea its better to have only few people that are way too OP'd than the whole server having OP stats on their rank 8. Since they'd have to rebalance everything. On the other hand though, its unfair for those that couldnt take advantage of this Donation option, they can never be better than average, since it takes a shytload of time to farm the amount of EC u need to actually have a chance to get good stats on it. :o

Offline Barbie

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I dont really think that some of these issues can be called 'unbalaced' every class has something they can do to 1 shot someone else except maybe a couple and they make up for it in other ways. APS, Archers high attack rate, Mystics OP heal for example. You say this is not like the other threads but all the other threads started out like this. You all have valid points but the truth is the reason some people are so OP is because they know how to stack genie buffs and skills but if you started to nerf classes then PK would be stupidly hard. Barbs would be ultra tanks, seekers would be rendered useless because their metal nuke is all they can do and APS classes will rule the earth like dinosaurs. I'm not here to flame your thread or say you're wrong but i'm betting my ass that there is a line of people behind me waiting to say you are. IMO the server is balanced, people are OP because they stack all the best skills they can. Taking that away means people will be too underpowered. 
Last Edit: July 23, 2013, 11:41 am by Barbie

Offline Barbie

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Well since u were able donate for EC, it pretty sure caused the imbalance your talking bout. Since i still see a lot of archer which it didnt take any effect on, they're still instant channeling. And yea, since u cant donate for EC anymore those people will always have an advantage over others. But yea its better to have only few people that are way too OP'd than the whole server having OP stats on their rank 8. Since they'd have to rebalance everything. On the other hand though, its unfair for those that couldnt take advantage of this Donation option, they can never be better than average, since it takes a shytload of time to farm the amount of EC u need to actually have a chance to get good stats on it. :o

I dont ever remember being able to donate for EC D:

Offline MorbidAngel

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QQ seeker 1 hit all. Be smart and have heart of steel on your genie....

Morbid/\ngel - 150 seeker

Offline ahed

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Hello, first of all i would like to inform you that this is not some random thread and there is majority of people who would even agree this.. so kindly do not delete this thread like you deleted the previous ones. would highly appreciate. thanking you in advance. =)
first thing is that casting archers, where archer was suppose to be Dex build and some even call it dph or w/e You let them have enough ct so that they can even kill full buffed players, second thing you plan on reducing the ct and in that even you reduce just -10, you keep rest of the ct just because people have donated for it and you do not with them to ragequit our server. which i call bs. You need to deal with the OVERPOWERED shit's whenever you can or you get time to.
Seeker's one hit blademasters, then archers or other class is easy for them imo since i play that character aswell archer which is aps based...(please don't suggest me to use genie and stuff's which i am aware of, you would die in one hit of their zerk still.)
barbarians hits 18k on some normal skills and the skill which drops you down when you are flying, it hits exactly how much HP you have got ( i call it a bug)
Rest classes are ok in my opinion.. and yeah now don't say that this has been discussed before and blah blah blah, i would like to see what exactly you think about it and how you get it resolved since you are the one and only dev.
Troll's are welcomed, thank you.
i really understand you
but you can do nothing .. the only way to keep server alive is to give people with low IQ OP gears to win lol

just dont try to fight them .. hate target them in massive pk with your squad  :normal-2:

Offline Pig

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QQ seeker 1 hit all. Be smart and have heart of steel on your genie....

I'm KillerPig, you ok MorbidAngel? Not every seeker does the metal skill combo, rest does another ones too and they 1 hit anything with it.

Offline Pig

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  • Wannabe Archer.
I dont really think that some of these issues can be called 'unbalaced' every class has something they can do to 1 shot someone else except maybe a couple and they make up for it in other ways. APS, Archers high attack rate, Mystics OP heal for example. You say this is not like the other threads but all the other threads started out like this. You all have valid points but the truth is the reason some people are so OP is because they know how to stack genie buffs and skills but if you started to nerf classes then PK would be stupidly hard. Barbs would be ultra tanks, seekers would be rendered useless because their metal nuke is all they can do and APS classes will rule the earth like dinosaurs. I'm not here to flame your thread or say you're wrong but i'm betting my ass that there is a line of people behind me waiting to say you are. IMO the server is balanced, people are OP because they stack all the best skills they can. Taking that away means people will be too underpowered.
and i do understand what exactly you meant, afterall everyone tries to protect his class being less op, and yeah also would like to inform you that i don't really care about other classes being way too overpowered everything has way to counter that, but it's not the easy thing to counter it when everyone in this server rolls the same class. i hope you get my point.

Offline Nine_FOx

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I will say, I like the unbalanced of this server. the r8 gears are unbalance but it make players to farm more to get a better stats. the players are responsible of this unbalance. they create new ways for barb to be more for pk. the sins become dph that can 1 hit some classes. archers can now kill a barb more easily. seekers some how become insta-cast. cleric that used to be just a support become a pker. if all of epw players seek for balance, the game will suddenly become less interesting.  ;D
Gomiho the nine-tailed-fox.

Offline Harry

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You're playing on a private server. Of course classes will be unbalanced.

Offline Solomon

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You're playing on a private server. Of course classes will be unbalanced.

pwi very balanced


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pwi very balanced
Stop talking about random server n00b

Offline Jolhans

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You're playing on a private server. Of course classes will be unbalanced.
what does this mean, that the official server is balanced??!?!?!?!?!? :normal-2:

Offline Harry

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I purely mentioned that private servers are unbalanced, and nothing about the normal PWI server or did I imply anything at all. Please come back when you have more IQ you idiot.

Offline Pig

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  • Wannabe Archer.
You're playing on a private server. Of course classes will be unbalanced.

Welcome to private server's i say then Harry and i bet Epw is your first private server after leaving pwi.
Eventually you'd get to know more thing's about pservers. enjoy your stay =)