Epic Perfect World

Archer Genie

Offline Fatigue

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Can someone tell me a good archer genie :o
I have 116 LP genie, APS build.

Offline Jolhans

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A dex based genie is perfect. I recomend you to use either a Discipline or Longevity to increase the dex points.

Up to 120 dex rest goes to vit/magic..


Wind shield (lvl 1) will also reduce damage taken along while increasing the time it last due to the dex.

Extreme poison, will last around 20 seconds with dex genie.

Badge of courage (100% work with 120 dex)

Remove paralysis ( to remove the immobilize when you get stuck in the air while using leap)

Fortify (lvl 1, will last about 8 seconds due to the dex).


Absolute domain

and Soul of fire (yah Mages OP).

That is all.

Offline Consist

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An average mass pk EA genie would be 100 magic, and whatever you have in vit. (120+) Uhm, You should have holy path, absolute domain, will surge, belief, expel, soul of fire, fortify, and extreme poision. You can switch some out for maybe tree of protection or things like that. Whatever fits your play style, but those should be the MAIN skills.


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An average mass pk EA genie would be 100 magic, and whatever you have in vit. (120+) Uhm, You should have holy path, absolute domain, will surge, belief, expel, soul of fire, fortify(lvl 1), and extreme poision. You can switch some out for maybe tree of protection or things like that. Whatever fits your play style, but those should be the MAIN skills.

Offline BeNicePlease

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An average mass pk EA genie would be 100 magic, and whatever you have in vit. (120+) Uhm, You should have holy path, absolute domain, will surge, belief, expel, soul of fire, fortify, and extreme poision. You can switch some out for maybe tree of protection or things like that. Whatever fits your play style, but those should be the MAIN skills.

maybe trade expel for wood or metal resist, since expel not too helpful when u got 10 ppl on you

Offline Consist

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maybe trade expel for wood or metal resist, since expel not too helpful when u got 10 ppl on you

Yeah. Tree of protection can be a life saver.