Epic Perfect World

The Ban Game


Banned for swears. bad boy.
Banned for banning me about something that wasn't a swear, gtfo is an abbreviation, and you need to Gtfo my thread like I said, its mine QQ I made it


Offline eel stirfry

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Banned for banning me about something that wasn't a swear, gtfo is an abbreviation, and you need to Gtfo my thread like I said, its mine QQ I made it

Banned again for swears in abbreviation.

Offline Fatigue

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Banned again for swears in abbreviation.

Banned for post farming.

Offline eel stirfry

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Banned for post farming.
Banned because I'm "post farmer".


Banned for post farming.
Banned for not banning me, when I did the exact same thing

Offline eel stirfry

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Banned for not banning me, when I did the exact same thing

Offline Abis

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This thread is stupid, legit stupid. It was locked for some reason.  :normal-18:
ban mittents by saying stupid 2x
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I ban you for banning him, it was my job. Mittens, stfu D: I made it to farm posts  :-[

Offline IMN666

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i ban everyone who doesn't live in maine


i ban everyone who doesn't live in maine
Edit post :< I said one person, the one above chu. Not everyone

I ban you for not following directions
Last Edit: July 19, 2013, 04:50 pm by XXThe_sinXX


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Post farm thread, close it already.  :normal-1:

Offline Consist

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Stop farming posts...oh my god.


I ban ^ because he didn't ban someone. And I like farm posting..so gtfo my thread if dun like it >:D

Offline Jyeezus

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I don't understand why anyone cares...just ignore and go about your own business O.o
Let them be.


I don't understand why anyone cares...just ignore and go about your own business O.o
Let them be.
This, you is new Idol nicky. You has so much wisdom *-*

But I have to ban you, its part of thread :/ I ban you Nicky because you has too much wisdom
Last Edit: July 19, 2013, 05:10 pm by XXThe_sinXX