2013's best exam bloopersRight-wing pantiesIn one paper on General Franco, a student reliably informed his tutor, Nicholas Martin, a reader in European intellectual history at Birmingham University, that underwear was the secret weapon in the Spanish dictator's armour, stating "General Franco was supported by right-wing panties".Torched CatholicMeanwhile, a film studies student revealed that several of Hitchcock's recurring themes arose because he was a "torched Catholic".Martin McLoone, director of the Centre for Media Research at the University of Ulster, who submitted the entry, said: "Of course, in another era, he might well have been."Hotly contested potatoAnother student at a mixed his metaphors to describe Alain Resnais' controversial Holocaust documentary Night And Fog as "a hotly contested potato".Piranha stateJackie Eales, professor of early modern history at Canterbury Christ Church University, submitted an entry which stated: "Britain under the Cromwellian Protectorate was a piranha state".Darwin discovered sexAdam Hart, professor of science communication at the University of Gloucestershire, told how he was faced with an "unpleasant image" of an unlikely union between two eminent Victorians when one student wrote: "Sex has puzzled biologists ever since it was discovered by Darwin and Mendel."Cases of fatal deathThere was also some confusion about the benefits of Nigella seeds and the effect of Ebola.In one paper a student revealed that "Nigella seeds can cure all disease except death" while another student suggested that "Ebola could lead to death, in some cases fatal."The mistakes were submitted by staff at University of Westminster, including Keith Redway, senior academic in microbiology and molecular biology.