Epic Perfect World


Offline Mizotasu♥

  • qt sage werepenguin~
  • Characters: Mizotasu, Lilly
  • Faction: Tyrants/Siege


Back then PWI was fun now their just money hungry leeches that latch on to every player they have....

Offline Mizotasu♥

  • qt sage werepenguin~
  • Characters: Mizotasu, Lilly
  • Faction: Tyrants/Siege

Offline Fatigue

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  • Glorious
  • You will never be this beautiful
I wonder how my level 93 seeker with FC weps and tt90 gold is doing.



My sin got hacked LAWL anyway TUPID PWI GO AWAY -goes to my corner and cries- xD

Offline SlowPokie

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  • Legendz™.


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  • rip insanity


Offline SlowPokie

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  • Legendz™.
What's PWI?  :normal-1:
A place can't buy million ec. Now uninstall swane

Offline kyandeisu

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  • Old Player
;.; old pwmy oracle server~

 :tiger-12: now that was when pw was actually fun

Offline 🌸

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  • Characters: Mercy, Sigh
LOOOOL Dutchy xD dat silent can't hide.

Offline Ɗҽʂιɠɳҽɾ

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;.; old pwmy oracle server~

 :tiger-12: now that was when pw was actually fun

pwmy best server <33333333333333

Offline Mizotasu♥

  • qt sage werepenguin~
  • Characters: Mizotasu, Lilly
  • Faction: Tyrants/Siege
LOOOOL Dutchy xD dat silent can't hide.


i will never forget that moment xD

Offline Mizotasu♥

  • qt sage werepenguin~
  • Characters: Mizotasu, Lilly
  • Faction: Tyrants/Siege

was wondering what this is....

Offline LazyOne

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  • Old Player
  • never fail to fail
;.; old pwmy oracle server~

I am on this SS o.O