Epic Perfect World

Server policy.

Offline littlelupe

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This server really wants to go down. There was a post about EA`s blessing, the majority have voted for total removal of blessing. There was another post about Mystics and the majority have spoken about mystics lacking balance. The GMs have ignored both, they are actually ignoring the community more and more and bringing dispare and boredom into the server. The server is currently unbalanced regarding factions and also regarding classes.
Whatever i will write, will get ignored or closed, that is how GMs act nowadays. i am fed up with you ppl, server is becoming crap.

Offline SaltySupreme

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Most of the Mystic nerf threads were poorly thought out and looked more like a QQ thread. I can't say anything about archers because their insta-channeling wasn't a big problem on my Barb but I do know that insta-channeling given from a blessing is a bit OPd. 
I'm only keeping this account open because of the memories I have on here, the good and the bad. I logged in just to change my account, and then I'm putting this dusty book back on the shelf.

Offline ☠EvilTouch☠

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what "you think the server is", is one thing and what "the server actually is" is another totally diferent ;)

all the topics created about mystics were meant for the AS and none stated the blessing.
the Archer blessing was decided cuz people on that topic gave no valid reasons for changes, only complains and more complains and more complains with some insults on the mix.
since what the "comunity" does is insult each other or act superiror cuz they think its pretty, we decided to go on testing our own, so now its like this but maybe later is diferent, thats what working on a server means, try to balance things not quit cuz a class is betetr than other.
the biggest problem was the addition of Sins long time ago from PWI and it all went crap after that cuz they only think about money.
now we try to baalnce things with changes every patch, people decide to insult us and complain and say that "we suck" lol its just pathetic...and nothing gives people the right to insult others, only the lack of education.

if you are not happy to be here you can simply leave...why do you need to make topics after topics saying that this server sucks??
are you by any chance gM on a crappy server and you are trying to make leave form here ?

Offline eel stirfry

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This server really wants to go down. There was a post about EA`s blessing, the majority have voted for total removal of blessing. There was another post about Mystics and the majority have spoken about mystics lacking balance. The GMs have ignored both, they are actually ignoring the community more and more and bringing dispare and boredom into the server. The server is currently unbalanced regarding factions and also regarding classes.
Whatever i will write, will get ignored or closed, that is how GMs act nowadays. i am fed up with you ppl, server is becoming crap.
I honestly haven't seen you write anything else then nerf threads about mystics and other classes, no offense.
The "majority?" I read some of those threads. It wasn't the majority, it was closer to half and half. Half defending, half on the nerf. (Haven't read the archer ones so IDK there).
:> They probably didn't change it because thy have a reason not to....

Offline kyandeisu

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just want to point this out, but the majority of the server probably doesnt even respond on the forums here(let alone even read), its like that in almost every game, private server or official lol. so you should correct your statement to say the majority of the forum users or forum community.

Offline BamBam

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what "you think the server is", is one thing and what "the server actually is" is another totally diferent ;)

all the topics created about mystics were meant for the AS and none stated the blessing.
the Archer blessing was decided cuz people on that topic gave no valid reasons for changes, only complains and more complains and more complains with some insults on the mix.
since what the "comunity" does is insult each other or act superiror cuz they think its pretty, we decided to go on testing our own, so now its like this but maybe later is diferent, thats what working on a server means, try to balance things not quit cuz a class is betetr than other.
the biggest problem was the addition of Sins long time ago from PWI and it all went crap after that cuz they only think about money.
now we try to baalnce things with changes every patch, people decide to insult us and complain and say that "we suck" lol its just pathetic...and nothing gives people the right to insult others, only the lack of education.

if you are not happy to be here you can simply leave...why do you need to make topics after topics saying that this server sucks??
are you by any chance gM on a crappy server and you are trying to make leave form here ?

Testing things and making decisions on your own really is the best route to take. Coming from a guy who owns a business and deals with costumers on the phone daily... I can tell you this. The customer ALWAYS think they know everything and can run the show better than you and of-course if that was the case then they would have a business of their own and would I would not be on the phone with them. The same applies for players in this community. People love to talk but rarely know what they're talking about.


Testing things and making decisions on your own really is the best route to take. Coming from a guy who owns a business and deals with costumers on the phone daily... I can tell you this. The customer ALWAYS think they know everything and can run the show better than you and of-course if that was the case then they would have a business of their own and would I would not be on the phone with them. The same applies for players in this community. People love to talk but rarely know what they're talking about.

100% CORRECT!!!

Offline Darunia ஜ

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You know, for someone who's unhappy with the server, you spend A LOT of time on these forums.

If you're so unhappy, why haven't you left?

As for the archer blessing, people did suggest a secondary stat on the blessing to make up for that -10%, like mdef for example.  Not sure why that wasn't added, but meh.

Stay Classy.
Mikau - 150 Sage Archer (unofficially retired)
Darunia - 150 Demon Cleric (unoffical new main)
Catfish - 150 Sage Psy (main PK gal)
Phalanx - 150 Demon BM (because impulsive)

Offline Nipple♥

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Didn't even read all the shit any of you posted, but how can factions be unbalanced? not our fault if you can't get members

EDIT: Moderate the language on Forum please. Thanks.
Last Edit: July 12, 2013, 04:20 pm by EvilTouch

Offline Fatigue

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Didn't even read all the shit any of you posted, but how can factions be unbalanced? not our fault if you can't get members

+ 1

Agree. this guy makes most of the QQ threads. GMS lock or remove please
the only thing that needs testing is mystic AS and archers in general. CH archers have got slightly more balanced but there is still the problem of aps archers


to tell the truth you make alot of posts like this just cause you dont get what you want bla bla bla this isnt youre server dude so stop complaining and learn how to play the game the gms do work to balance the game if they didnt you swear we would be how we are now imagine this game where the gms didnt care and just let the game go undone with every update that pwi announced then everything would be unbalance and most of us wouldnt be having fun here would we :rolleyes:

Offline Sleep

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This server wants to go down? This server is going no where. Locking topic. :)

You don't want to exasperate GN Sleep  :pig-11: :pig-37: