Epic Perfect World


Offline ahed

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Last Edit: Aug 23, 2015, 11:28 am by Ahed

Offline Elly

  • Agony awaits
Nice arab taskbar.

Elly - 150 Sage venomancer
Decipher - 150 Demon mystic

[22:32:11] Chad: the name rev
[22:32:13] Chad: is foul language

Offline BeNicePlease

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Atleast Consist found someone to look up too.

Offline Outclown

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Atleast Consist found someone to look up too.
:normal-2: :normal-2: :normal-2:

Offline ahed

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Nice arab taskbar.
its hebrew tbh


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Seel is an indian player .. he been playing pw since 2007.. seel never played pwi .. he joined pw with private server
he also unknown as swane ..
today i am gonna show you why we call him god of archers
here you go

seel deals 7k dmg like a boss at psy have 118 def lvls and 9k phy def

ladies .. whenver you see seel about to attack you .. spam holy path and try to hit SZ as fast as you can .. dont forget never look back when seel chasing you just keep running .. imagine a zombie trying to bite you .. seel is the zombie and you'r char is you.

a proof that seel is god of archers

:normal-10: :normal-16:

Offline Fab

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Dont nerf him, just perma ban him for being sissy  :normal-36:

Offline Consist

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Damn talk about dick riding...And I thought this game was good. Holy shit.

Offline ahed

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new fresh SS .. the legenedry seel doing 10k dmg with a white vodo

gf epw

Offline Euikon

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:normal-18: Not hard with wood pill and if you crit he's sage got like 85% crit i'm sage too and i don't use xbow wich give more dex/crit and if i use wood pill i hit WBs 20ks+ (with r8 bow +20 dex shards)  :monkey-2: :monkey-1:

Offline ahed

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:normal-18: Not hard with wood pill and if you crit he's sage got like 85% crit i'm sage too and i don't use xbow wich give more dex/crit and if i use wood pill i hit WBs 20ks+ (with r8 bow +20 dex shards)  :monkey-2: :monkey-1:
thats the problem he wasnt using wood pill