Epic Perfect World

Hi nea

Offline ゾルタン ☹

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  • Mental peace is important [♥] Date Registered in EPW Server :Mar 01, 2015, 07:44 am
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Date Registered in Epic Perfect World Server : Mar 01, 2015, 07:44 am

Offline Scarce

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since you’re a dumbass and probably too dumb to know, whenever you attack someone your flight speed m/s drops to 8/9 m/s i don’t remember then you have to stop attacking for 5secs again for it to accelerate back to 13m/s
Last Edit: Dec 03, 2022, 12:54 pm by Pheng

Offline Nimy

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First Ancients, now moveton... Who is next?! Check out this guy Pheng, heard he uses skillsender. Cleaver catching them all with his secret professional skillbar, that still got us all wondering what unique skills it might include.

Offline Yuko

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Damn Cleaver, smart and wise as always 

Offline Chant

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Ok to clear this up this isn't even fly hack, besides the auto accelerate in the game.  The way their character look like their is teleporting moving isnt a hack thats been a thing in PW itself forever as you can do this yourself when embracing and you carrying them  while flying on there screen it look like you're lagging to them cause they deal with the constant movements due to the server lag.

So ye this isnt fly hacking not even by close.


Fly hacking is when you clearly can tell someone flying faster than you when you running away or after them, & so far seeing she faith which  doesnt cancel auto accelerate from stop yes she can fly away faster than you cause accelerate stops on using skills.
Last Edit: Dec 03, 2022, 02:42 pm by Chant

Offline Cleaver

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First Ancients, now moveton... Who is next?! Check out this guy Pheng, heard he uses skillsender. Cleaver catching them all with his secret professional skillbar, that still got us all wondering what unique skills it might include.

Offline Wei

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we might be too strong out on compliments
a thousand threats we`ve heard before
they trying to gather all of them from hell to heaven to beat us 
but all they can do is just trying
we talk shit but we prove ourselves
NEW ERA is come, bend down to the supreme of the WHOLIGANS!!



Offline turessi

always had a feeling something was off and weird about that ep

Offline jao神

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Offline 𝖔𝖓𝖑𝖞𝖋𝖆𝖓𝖘

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Cant belive I was in guild with this hackerman, block list from now on.

Offline Cleaver

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Cant belive I was in guild with this hackerman, block list from now on.
i give you that your funny but plz try abit harder cuz ...

Offline Gomez

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and people says epw isnt funny anymore, but look at the clowns it has  :'(

Offline friendly guy

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lol hackers , i say you check nimy too something weird about that guy.

Offline kapselek47

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I'm proud that you play this game even though there are 30 people playing.. I played when there were about a thousand of us. Pathetic server ;D