Epic Perfect World


Offline blackfire

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Ok, first of all i am Romanian and i am 14 years old and i hope u guys can understand something cuz my english isnt that good.
I play this game since it had been opened and i didnt see any cleric guides (full guides) so i thought it would be funny to make one.

First of all some builds:

HA armor(support cleric)

In this case first of all cleric should go sage beacuse of all chanel lost and hell u are a support cleric not DD. Its simple put the need of str and dex for HA armor lvl 150 and the rest goes into magic.

LA armor (support cleric/high crit/semi DDer)

Just like above, put the need of LA armor in str/dex and rest goes in Magic, again cleric should be sage because of channel lost.

AA armor (hell yea, the best build DDer/semi support)

  Minimum of dex need for AA armor and rest goes in magic. This is the hardest to play, because u die fast from Phy atk classes. For all builds u shall get supreme robe/Nightwatch tome and high channel weapon (for HA/LA lvl 150 dragon glaive -28 chanell with stones).

This are normall builds, but u can change them anytime for example: AA build u can add more Dex for higher critical (always in amount of 20, 20 dex=1% crit) or idk what u guys want.

Now lets talk a little bit about clerics, what isw their roll, how to play, how tank, yea u heard TANK, and PvE also PvP (1v1 purpose). I will make this guide for demon cleric, AA build (its my favourite type and i think its one of the best tankers/DDers at same time). Lets start with the beggining: Whats is Cleric role in pvp and pve? Simple spam HEALS/PURIFY/REVIVE, simple right? Well, its not that simple cuz in mass pk if u dont use pills/genie skills or if u dont have any tank abbilites u die. Dont forget Clerics are always main target, all AA on you so take care.

How to Tank

This is demon cleric tank abbilites in Mass PK, not sage cleric. First of all get a genie with next: 84 (u get worbs which give each 4 magic, that means 16+84=100 magic) and rest in Vit. Skills of genie: tree of protection,expel,absolute domain, belief, chi siphon, holy path, and add the skill that sin use it for aps (idk the name). Now u got 3 main Tank skills: Plume Shell (80% reduce phy dmg), Wings of Protection (its specially for magic classes) and Guardian Light (best skill, 60% dmg reduce) and an extra morai skills, that protect you from a deadly hit (just like Deaden Nervs) just that when u used it (if it is succesful) it heals you @35% hp. Now, always fly in mass pk to heal, never come down cuz u die 50% faster. If u are demon Stream of Rejuvementation gives you 150% phy def for 10 secons, spam this and always ALWAYS spam Chromatic Healing Beam (AOE heal). How you tank? simple always have Plume shell on and when a Phy damager comes use expel/absolute domain. When u get stunned use belief, i dont want to seem so, i know u guys know this things, but i just want to add them. As a cleric better u dont use IG, use Dew of Star pills, it is much better. Ocassionally u can use Guardian Light for less dmg and tanker skills, i cant explain all cuz it wouldnt be funny, i let u guys try and see:P.

PvP Cleric

Ok so let's start, i will teach u guys the most usual combo of cleric: Metal damage type and Phy damage type. At both combos u need a str genie with: occult ice/xtreme poison/elemental weakness or tangling mire (elem for meta and tangling for phy)/belief/expel(only for metal combo)/absolute domain/fortify(any stun)/belief/holy path here are like 11 skills, u choose 8 which suits u better.

Metal Damage type

You will use this, ok some exception like wizard, only on Phy classes: barb/seekers/sins/BMs and wizard (exception). Here we go: vs Phy classes always put plume shell on ALWAYS, when it goes out or you run out of mp use expel..i hate to say that (i just dont like to heal or spark *any kind of spark* in 1v1) spam stream of rejuvemantion and iroheart blessing. Stream gives you 150% more phy def for 10 secs. Ok, u got the best stun skills in whole game: Seal of God. Once it workes it cannot be removed with any skills. When you should not use this skills: when player AD, when it use belief or when it use will surge. It wont work, or if it will u just freeze player (or no) u wont seal it and he will get 90% less dmg. Ok, lets say it worked, now its your time! Go fast in ultraviolet dance-get close to him-mark of weakness (12% more ccrit chance)-magical shackle (like soulburn)-aurora array-absorbing array-spam demon spirits gift 2-3 times *100% more magic atack for 10 seconds*-elemental seal-use demon weild thunder *-30% met damage* than occult and use eleven Boon (it should be 2 hits combo) if he didnt die use others metal skills. If the player is clever, and use beleif it will cancel all ur combo, than u must expel or put plume shell on you and get the hell out of Ultraviole dance stance, and spam that 2 heals and repeat the combo. This is the most usual combo, if you know others cool combos, please post them (if you want). I know alot of combos, i just dont want to put them here, because i let you guys to discover, right? Where it will be the fun than?
P.s: 1.You can use Guardian light too and if u do vs a wizz u can use Wings of protection.
       2.When sin have tidal on, just freeze it, dont try occul/seal of god/sleep.
       3.When occult is done sleep them LOL.
       4.Whenever in combo (except when thei are stunned in seal of god stance) use xtreme poison/elem weakness.

Phy Damage type

At the begging of combo would be the same, except the fact you dont need to have plume shell on, but you must have Guardian Light/Wings of Protection out of cd. After u stunned him/her with seal of the god u do like above, go in ultraviolet-mark of weakness etc... . Now the thing is u wont use Elemental seal, u will use Dimensional Seal and Tangling mire (dont try DDer while they are in SoG stance, they recive 90% less dmg, chi/genie consuming). After they are out of SoG immediatlly occult+tangling than use plume shot or razor feather, if u want u can also do metal dmg but it is not so eficiently. Again, use your skills smart, dont spent time with debuffing the person with magical debuffs (no worth). If you have more combos, which u guys want to tell u can add them also. Phy combos are 3-4 i told you guys 1,the one with the hiighest dmg, the rest i'll let you find.

The guide is kinda done, if you want more things and tricks about cleric, pm me in game Thicke or mail me. Or just post here in forums or message me and i will be glad to respond me.

Special Thanks to:


And much others Veryy good, if not Pro clerics on the server Epic, on server SoW from blue dragon and on official server. Without them, i would be the worst cleric. I dont claim beeing good or even pro, i just know little things about cleric what i wanted to tell them. If you didnt like the topic, please dont blame me or others. Just dont comment. Thanks and i hope u enjoyed
Last Edit: July 04, 2013, 10:32 am by blackfire
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some tanky support cleric

Offline ThaPinky

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^Prolly barb buff and definetly ToP there (buffs covered with charm bars)

@OP You forgot HA/AA Hybrids btw
Last Edit: July 04, 2013, 07:29 pm by ThaPinky


nice guide AssRaper, I'm glad to see you improved your gameplay so much ^^

Offline Jeromey

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@You forgot HA/AA Hybrids btw

Good tips and hints included for a new cleric or clerics who need advice, well done.

Offline lloyd0000

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some tanky support cleric

Fully buffed ToP and prolly stat for La, same hp my sin has in 145 gear with Barbie buff lol
Sensei_StFu-150 sage BM
HeadBusta-148 Barbie with a Slap a Hoe issue
StonerBob-150 demon wizzie
PureTalent- 110 sin noob as frig buff bot
Dolla4Holla- 147 demon 80 chan  arch

Offline blackfire

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Thumbs up Zilara love ya!
Life is the art of drawing without an eraser.

Offline HellishKitty

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some tanky support cleric

why did you cover ur buffs?? ...........




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Ok, first of all i am Romanian and i am 14 years old and i hope u guys can understand something cuz my english isnt that good.
I play this game since it had been opened and i didnt see any cleric guides (full guides) so i thought it would be funny to make one.

First of all some builds:

HA armor(support cleric)

In this case first of all cleric should go sage beacuse of all chanel lost and hell u are a support cleric not DD. Its simple put the need of str and dex for HA armor lvl 150 and the rest goes into magic.

LA armor (support cleric/high crit/semi DDer)

Just like above, put the need of LA armor in str/dex and rest goes in Magic, again cleric should be sage because of channel lost.

AA armor (hell yea, the best build DDer/semi support)

  Minimum of dex need for AA armor and rest goes in magic. This is the hardest to play, because u die fast from Phy atk classes. For all builds u shall get supreme robe/Nightwatch tome and high channel weapon (for HA/LA lvl 150 dragon glaive -28 chanell with stones).

This are normall builds, but u can change them anytime for example: AA build u can add more Dex for higher critical (always in amount of 20, 20 dex=1% crit) or idk what u guys want.

Now lets talk a little bit about clerics, what isw their roll, how to play, how tank, yea u heard TANK, and PvE also PvP (1v1 purpose). I will make this guide for demon cleric, AA build (its my favourite type and i think its one of the best tankers/DDers at same time). Lets start with the beggining: Whats is Cleric role in pvp and pve? Simple spam HEALS/PURIFY/REVIVE, simple right? Well, its not that simple cuz in mass pk if u dont use pills/genie skills or if u dont have any tank abbilites u die. Dont forget Clerics are always main target, all AA on you so take care.

How to Tank

This is demon cleric tank abbilites in Mass PK, not sage cleric. First of all get a genie with next: 84 (u get worbs which give each 4 magic, that means 16+84=100 magic) and rest in Vit. Skills of genie: tree of protection,expel,absolute domain, belief, chi siphon, holy path, and add the skill that sin use it for aps (idk the name). Now u got 3 main Tank skills: Plume Shell (80% reduce phy dmg), Wings of Protection (its specially for magic classes) and Guardian Light (best skill, 60% dmg reduce) and an extra morai skills, that protect you from a deadly hit (just like Deaden Nervs) just that when u used it (if it is succesful) it heals you @35% hp. Now, always fly in mass pk to heal, never come down cuz u die 50% faster. If u are demon Stream of Rejuvementation gives you 150% phy def for 10 secons, spam this and always ALWAYS spam Chromatic Healing Beam (AOE heal). How you tank? simple always have Plume shell on and when a Phy damager comes use expel/absolute domain. When u get stunned use belief, i dont want to seem so, i know u guys know this things, but i just want to add them. As a cleric better u dont use IG, use Dew of Star pills, it is much better. Ocassionally u can use Guardian Light for less dmg and tanker skills, i cant explain all cuz it wouldnt be funny, i let u guys try and see:P.

PvP Cleric

Ok so let's start, i will teach u guys the most usual combo of cleric: Metal damage type and Phy damage type. At both combos u need a str genie with: occult ice/xtreme poison/elemental weakness or tangling mire (elem for meta and tangling for phy)/belief/expel(only for metal combo)/absolute domain/fortify(any stun)/belief/holy path here are like 11 skills, u choose 8 which suits u better.

Metal Damage type

You will use this, ok some exception like wizard, only on Phy classes: barb/seekers/sins/BMs and wizard (exception). Here we go: vs Phy classes always put plume shell on ALWAYS, when it goes out or you run out of mp use expel..i hate to say that (i just dont like to heal or spark *any kind of spark* in 1v1) spam stream of rejuvemantion and iroheart blessing. Stream gives you 150% more phy def for 10 secs. Ok, u got the best stun skills in whole game: Seal of God. Once it workes it cannot be removed with any skills. When you should not use this skills: when player AD, when it use belief or when it use will surge. It wont work, or if it will u just freeze player (or no) u wont seal it and he will get 90% less dmg. Ok, lets say it worked, now its your time! Go fast in ultraviolet dance-get close to him-mark of weakness (12% more ccrit chance)-magical shackle (like soulburn)-aurora array-absorbing array-spam demon spirits gift 2-3 times *100% more magic atack for 10 seconds*-elemental seal-use demon weild thunder *-30% met damage* than occult and use eleven Boon (it should be 2 hits combo) if he didnt die use others metal skills. If the player is clever, and use beleif it will cancel all ur combo, than u must expel or put plume shell on you and get the hell out of Ultraviole dance stance, and spam that 2 heals and repeat the combo. This is the most usual combo, if you know others cool combos, please post them (if you want). I know alot of combos, i just dont want to put them here, because i let you guys to discover, right? Where it will be the fun than?
P.s: 1.You can use Guardian light too and if u do vs a wizz u can use Wings of protection.
       2.When sin have tidal on, just freeze it, dont try occul/seal of god/sleep.
       3.When occult is done sleep them LOL.
       4.Whenever in combo (except when thei are stunned in seal of god stance) use xtreme poison/elem weakness.

Phy Damage type

At the begging of combo would be the same, except the fact you dont need to have plume shell on, but you must have Guardian Light/Wings of Protection out of cd. After u stunned him/her with seal of the god u do like above, go in ultraviolet-mark of weakness etc... . Now the thing is u wont use Elemental seal, u will use Dimensional Seal and Tangling mire (dont try DDer while they are in SoG stance, they recive 90% less dmg, chi/genie consuming). After they are out of SoG immediatlly occult+tangling than use plume shot or razor feather, if u want u can also do metal dmg but it is not so eficiently. Again, use your skills smart, dont spent time with debuffing the person with magical debuffs (no worth). If you have more combos, which u guys want to tell u can add them also. Phy combos are 3-4 i told you guys 1,the one with the hiighest dmg, the rest i'll let you find.

The guide is kinda done, if you want more things and tricks about cleric, pm me in game Thicke or mail me. Or just post here in forums or message me and i will be glad to respond me.

Special Thanks to:


And much others Veryy good, if not Pro clerics on the server Epic, on server SoW from blue dragon and on official server. Without them, i would be the worst cleric. I dont claim beeing good or even pro, i just know little things about cleric what i wanted to tell them. If you didnt like the topic, please dont blame me or others. Just dont comment. Thanks and i hope u enjoyed

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Hi, I just want buffs and puri. You EPs can keep the heals tyvm >:

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a small note for cleircs with heavy gears
you guys 1 shot to fire combo / psys


a small note for cleircs with heavy gears
you guys 1 shot to fire combo / psys

Well so do other classes ;P (just a note QQ)

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the fact any of you took the time to read that...