Epic Perfect World

Warsong Pavilion Timer

Offline epicseeker

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Is it at all possible to add a forfeit option to the pavilion defense aspect of Warsong? It takes 15 minutes of just standing there doing nothing in order to get to do the Warsong BH. If you could talk to the gatekeeper and forfeit the option of defending the pavilions it would save a ton of time, and still allow people the choice of defending pavs if they want. I work between 11 and 13 hours a day, and dont have a whole lot of play time every day, so when I have to waste 30 minutes of my 2-2.5 hours of play time waiting on that timer on my main and my single alt it really digs into what little time I have. And im sure others feel the same.

This is just a thought, but it might go over really well.

I just met you, but yes I'm crazy, I'll trace your number, and kill you maybe!
You just met me, but I know you're crazy, so lose my number, and keep the baby!

Offline elllieee

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well idk if that could be done but to save the time what you could do is keep 1 alt inside and the main to do w.e you wanna outside..just 1 char needs to stay in so that the instance dsnt reset..

Offline ⁑Losergoddess⁑

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It's not that big of a deal imo.... Instead of standing there waiting for timer to be up I kill mobs in metal :l. Or you can take Ell's suggestion. I mean it would be a nice add for some, but in my opinion, it's not that big of a deal.
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Offline Barbie

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well idk if that could be done but to save the time what you could do is keep 1 alt inside and the main to do w.e you wanna outside..just 1 char needs to stay in so that the instance dsnt reset..


what I do

Offline MrPsyOfPys

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it would be a nice addition in all but yeah u could just start the timer and leave a alt  or just join a gruop looking that has timer done too .. ik i wait til timer is done to spam for more ppl normally

Offline epicseeker

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well idk if that could be done but to save the time what you could do is keep 1 alt inside and the main to do w.e you wanna outside..just 1 char needs to stay in so that the instance dsnt reset..

My one alt is on the same account. My comp cant handle multi clienting. Just saying for people with extremely limited play time, this option would be really nice to have.

I just met you, but yes I'm crazy, I'll trace your number, and kill you maybe!
You just met me, but I know you're crazy, so lose my number, and keep the baby!

Offline Shay

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It may not be a "big deal" to some, but I totally agree it would be awesome if the 15 minute wait was gone.

Offline ☠EvilTouch☠

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the 15min timer actually start when u talk to the first npc right at the entrance.
it is indeed a good idea, but if it can be done or not ? i have no clue ^^
i will make sure to pass this on to our notes  :-\
thanks for suggesting it.

Offline epicseeker

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 :D God I hope it can be done!

I just met you, but yes I'm crazy, I'll trace your number, and kill you maybe!
You just met me, but I know you're crazy, so lose my number, and keep the baby!

Offline Tavern

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I agree, please add a longer timer, it is too easy.. I suggest 25 mins