Epic Perfect World

is this server really worth starting?

Offline [P]hoenix

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im a seeker on vendetta, but most people there are keyboard warriors.. my questions are ..

is it worth starting this server?
is there a lot of farming?
how is sage seeker on this server?
and last, how are the people on this server?

I would love some feed back and would love to take the time to listen to any of you and reply if needed.

thank you for your time.
P.S anyone know X_Rebel_O? lol

Offline eel stirfry

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Gonna be really, really general xD.
I think it is worth starting playing this server, there are some pretty nice people and it can be really fun o.o
There is quite a bit of farming IMO. It might just be me, but that's my opinion. I don't really think it's actually too hard to do, like unreasonable, though.
3. IDK. Never played one. N/A
The people..a lot of people are really friendly and nice and fun. Some are jerks but just avoid them and stuff.

As I said, I'm probably not the best person to reply to this so I generalized a lot of stuff. :>


im a seeker on vendetta, but most people there are keyboard warriors.. my questions are ..

is it worth starting this server?
is there a lot of farming?
how is sage seeker on this server?
and last, how are the people on this server?

I would love some feed back and would love to take the time to listen to any of you and reply if needed.

thank you for your time.
P.S anyone know X_Rebel_O? lol

Hello  :smiley:

First ....every single server is different and EvilEye had it right when she said she is going to be very general.  What works for me, might not work for you, therefor, to know for sure, for yourself, whether this server is worth playing on, can only be assessed if you personally play and experience different things on EPW.  For me personally, its the best server I have ever played on.

If you are used to be handed everything on a silver platter, easy access to gear and whatever else is needed to be up in the ranks of PVP, then you probably will not find the farming to your liking ....however, having said that, it is really NOT difficult in obtaining what you need on EPW.  Yes farming is involved, but not hardcore farming.

Regarding sage seeker, I cannot give you any pointers on that ...I am sure someone with more experience on Seekers will reply to you

People  -  people will be people, no matter where you go, you find the jerks, ill mannered, trolls, idiots, rude people and people with no regard or feelings for others.  I haven't come across many of those here, people are generally pleasant to deal with.  Just be realistic and do not expect everything to be hunky dory or perfect, because it just cannot be perfect.

We have great GM's on this server, very helpful and on the ball.  Agatio, the owner of the server, is an outstanding admin.

If you do decide to join us, which I hope, I wish you happy gaming and may you be happy here and find your little spot that works for you

Last Edit: June 30, 2013, 06:15 am by LaceyPip

Offline [P]hoenix

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thank you for your reply :smiley:


thank you for your reply :smiley:

You are most welcome  :smiley:

Offline Lolly

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Pretty much all of what Lacey said, she said it all very well. =P

Lolly - 150 Ep | Lapras - 150 Wf | Crystal - 150 Ea
Sometimes it physically pains me to hold back my sarcastic comments.

Offline Vindex

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About sage seeker question, sage seekers are amazing here, great in pk if u know how to use them. If anyone tells u any different, they can talk to me >=o but yeah, this server is great, most ppl are nice and friendly, and pk can be satisfying.

Offline Liquidstep

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im a seeker on vendetta, but most people there are keyboard warriors.. my questions are ..

is it worth starting this server?
is there a lot of farming?
how is sage seeker on this server?
and last, how are the people on this server?

I would love some feed back and would love to take the time to listen to any of you and reply if needed.

thank you for your time.
P.S anyone know X_Rebel_O? lol

About farming low stuff is easy to farm :D  about   Dragon/R8 is about  EC=EpicCoin(you can fami it on NS=Nightscream(PvP zone) or GV wich lasts  about 1h/1h30min and   Bounty Hunter reward so farming is  easy if you wanna farm.

About sage seekr ask expert (not seeker player)

About ppl depends who you wanna meet all of them have diffrent personalatys :D
Im Liquidstep and you may see  me at NS

Favorit place to  Chill there.

Chillstep - 150(sin)
Liquidstep - 150(Archer)
SlushyStep -  150(Mystic)
DreamStep - 150(cleric)
ChillyStepZ - 150(wiz)

Offline eon

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Hi i started here about 6 months back and i'm liking this server ever since.. The game admin and GMs they are active, give the best for community with strict moderation on cheats etc.,

Few pointers..

World chat in english as rule..

Check the guides section inside forum to know and have easy gaming..

Rest of info all clearly mentioned inside forum.. (with many dedicated helpers [players/GMs] to reply and clarify our queries)

Agree with lacey.. in order to get 100% satisfation spend 1 or 2 hrs ingame (Note: World chat can be tricky at times.. for jerks may give false picture abt server while GMs are busy.. but this happens very rarely..)

Hope you try it.. happy gaming have a nice day..

Signature Credits: http://lonicera-mancer.deviantart.com/
Self Freedom applies only when it doesn't affects the Freedom of another person who follows this quote
happy gaming, have a nice time both in game and in real life :)

PS: Like Insanity's ornaments of magic dmg red/def lvls


Offline Slashyy

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to awnser the seeker question <--150 r8r sage seeker

sage seekers here are good if you know how to play them they high def lvl makes it so u can servive a lot (aka tank like a barb haha) also u can make ( i think its 4.0) sage seekers here with aps weps and like any servers using the usualy seeker combos u can hit shed loads on people with aoes :)

just a note seekers are the easiest class here to level too sooo thats a advantage

Offline ahed

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it would be #1 pw private server if end game gears isnt luckbased

Offline 🌸

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1. Yes.
2. I'm lazy so kinda.
3. what Vindex said. He 1shots my characters. :c
4. Most people are awesome. Most.

Yaaaaay, short and lazy answers~


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im a seeker on vendetta, but most people there are keyboard warriors.. my questions are ..

is it worth starting this server?
is there a lot of farming?
how is sage seeker on this server?
and last, how are the people on this server?

I would love some feed back and would love to take the time to listen to any of you and reply if needed.

thank you for your time.
P.S anyone know X_Rebel_O? lol
Hai son, pm me in game if you dl the game. :normal-36:

Offline Sleep

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is it worth starting this server?
is there a lot of farming?
how is sage seeker on this server?
and last, how are the people on this server?

~ Yes, most definitely!
~ Enough to keep you busy. As a seeker, you should have no trouble at all.
~ I played one for a while. It was pretty fun. Gotta learn your combos. ^-^
~ Ah, the people. Stay out of World Chat, and you'll have a wonderful experience making new friends. :D

You don't want to exasperate GN Sleep  :pig-11: :pig-37: