Epic Perfect World


Offline PW? 2023?

  • You know who I am
Bro @emperor, I know Ancients and Fossil were against you in the TW, they were teaming up with jypnus, please If you need help at TW let me know, over 12 years of TW experience, I won't ask for payment, just hit me up emperor, please 

Offline Ancients

  • I eat ass
  • Notorious Titan
  • Characters: Ancients
  • Faction: Notorious/Prominent
You should go back to use cheats and exploits, putang Ina mo doggy lost to shingaling in tw lol yikes

Offline 𝖔𝖓𝖑𝖞𝖋𝖆𝖓𝖘

  • Notorious Titan
  • Faction: Notorious
Didn't me and colorblind beat you in tw when you went to help unifiers against tridents and we shtted on you little puppy
Kinda funny tbh
You are just mad no1 mentioned your guild so you had to mention it yourself. And since thats the case im not mad about what you said. I will still embrace you at sirry :) 

Offline friendly guy

  • Fossil
  • We beat same people for years now
  • Characters: twoamthoughts / Natsuu
  • Faction: 0FkGiven
Ow look notorious apes strong together 

Offline friendly guy

  • Fossil
  • We beat same people for years now
  • Characters: twoamthoughts / Natsuu
  • Faction: 0FkGiven

Offline Atemwende

  • Sans Soleil
  • Characters: Rivaille Rivers Notte Near Atemwende Saihate Noia Malraux
  • Faction: Vengeance

Offline yaneus

  • avatar
  • Old Player
Look at these dogs talking back to me, 1v1 2v2 3v3 or 6v6 anytime no HoS and no genie whos no show? 

Offline friendly guy

  • Fossil
  • We beat same people for years now
  • Characters: twoamthoughts / Natsuu
  • Faction: 0FkGiven
Kinda diamond clear broski💎

Offline yaneus

  • avatar
  • Old Player

Offline friendly guy

  • Fossil
  • We beat same people for years now
  • Characters: twoamthoughts / Natsuu
  • Faction: 0FkGiven
Imagine going vs a cheater you prolly gonna hack ad and make it invisible lmao

Offline PW? 2023?

  • You know who I am
Only cheat natsu uses is the one his girl does on him haha lmao 

Offline Atemwende

  • Sans Soleil
  • Characters: Rivaille Rivers Notte Near Atemwende Saihate Noia Malraux
  • Faction: Vengeance

Offline friendly guy

  • Fossil
  • We beat same people for years now
  • Characters: twoamthoughts / Natsuu
  • Faction: 0FkGiven
Atleast I got a gf and don't have to beat my meat 3 times a day

Offline PW? 2023?

  • You know who I am
What are you saying virgin, do u even follow me on ig

Offline friendly guy

  • Fossil
  • We beat same people for years now
  • Characters: twoamthoughts / Natsuu
  • Faction: 0FkGiven
Only cheat natsu uses is the one his girl does on him haha lmao
Also didn't I make your girlfriend be your ex girlfriend lmao