Epic Perfect World

NW is unfair

Offline SlowPokie

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Hi im 19 years old i am kinda busy person but i still find 2+ hours to play daily and i really want to do nw which i cant b.c the times are just hard for me because on friday i have work and on sunday i go to church when am i suppose to catch up on my gear? so if this is possible aga can make a sign u need to nw u get 1 every week its like blessing thing it goes away after a week and u can attend nw anytime in 1 week or make nw on Wednesday at evening for people in usa which will give us a very nice chance to gear up and catch up.i know that u can do bh and other stuff to get gear if u cant attend nw but why should we when others get 300+ and we get like nothing from bh and stuff i hope i make since :(

Offline eel stirfry

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Hi im 19 years old i am kinda busy person but i still find 2+ hours to play daily and i really want to do nw which i cant b.c the times are just hard for me because on friday i have work and on sunday i go to church when am i suppose to catch up on my gear? so if this is possible aga can make a sign u need to nw u get 1 every week its like blessing thing it goes away after a week and u can attend nw anytime in 1 week or make nw on Wednesday at evening for people in usa which will give us a very nice chance to gear up and catch up.i know that u can do bh and other stuff to get gear if u cant attend nw but why should we when others get 300+ and we get like nothing from bh and stuff i hope i make since :(
Canada has similar time zones to some parts, and I can attend..
They've already adressed the timezones I think. somewhere. Because I swear that I've seen it before..
Also, going to church..............do you have to go at the exact same time every week? ;-'

Offline SlowPokie

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i go to church at 11:00am return at 3-4pm event happens at 1-2

Offline Lolly

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Three words.
Bounty Hunter quest's.
They give 20 supply tokens, few of them you'll enough

Lolly - 150 Ep | Lapras - 150 Wf | Crystal - 150 Ea
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Offline SlowPokie

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but i want 200+ like every1 gets them and i wanna enjoy nw too

Offline eel stirfry

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but i want 200+ like every1 gets them and i wanna enjoy nw too
I don't get 200+ kk?
Stop being greedy..
Either change the times you go to church, go on friday, or don't go and use alternative methods.

Offline Lolly

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I don't get 200+ kk?
Stop being greedy..
Either change the times you go to church, go on friday, or don't go and use alternative methods.
^Nuf said

Lolly - 150 Ep | Lapras - 150 Wf | Crystal - 150 Ea
Sometimes it physically pains me to hold back my sarcastic comments.


I don't get 200+ kk?
Stop being greedy..
Either change the times you go to church, go on friday, or don't go and use alternative methods.

EE not nice telling people when to go to church or not, and I do not think he is being greedy, he was just MENTIONING the amount of tokens .....please do not be so heartless in your response.  Gosh man, these guys just asking questions, not asking for nasty replies

Offline eel stirfry

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EE not nice telling people when to go to church or not, and I do not think he is being greedy, he was just MENTIONING the amount of tokens .....please do not be so heartless in your response.  Gosh man, these guys just asking questions, not asking for nasty replies
I'm not really being heartless, sorry if you took it that way.
I'm just telling him that the Nation wars time thing has already been mentioned before..and that it can't be adapted for everybody's preferences (although I haven't seen all threads).

Also, I'm sorry, I do take automatically assuming that you get 200+ tokens as greedy.
The first time I went, I barely sckilled over 120 tokens.
And I was in there for the entire time, fighting on a 150 wizard (granted, I didn't hit extremely hard, but I use dragon at the moment).
The next time, I didn't go in for long, but I did fight, and I got 0 tokens.
So yeah. Assuming you get 200+ off the bat..just greedy to me.

On the time zones; well, adapt. I can't go on friday very easily either. But hey, there's other stuff I can do when it's not nation wars!
Click the spoiler for more info~

In conclusion, I don't think I was actually being mean, Lacey :/
I'm simply stating that the automatic assumption of getting 200+ is just greedy to me personally, since the one time I went and put in full effort, I barely sckilled over 120 tokens.
Plus, if you run bhs with a squad of alts all having the quest, you'll build up supply tokens on several chars and quite a bit if you keep doing it.

I don't think I'm being heartless, not everything is adaptable..
if it's 1-2 PM, that's easy enough to participate in for timezone..it's not like you have to wake up at 3-4AM (I don't some others do though).
If your busy, then find alternatives.
And I actually think the timezones are excellent for the people in the US.

Offline SlowPokie

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bh are useless u get extreamly low reward and i wanna do nw b.c it seems fun with a reward and u dont get 200+ b.c u wik ty. and if u dont have anything to support this tread get your ass off it ty

Offline Lolly

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bh are useless u get extreamly low reward and i wanna do nw b.c it seems fun with a reward and u dont get 200+ b.c u wik ty. and if u dont have anything to support this tread get your ass off it ty
Going to be rude sir?
And see, you don't wanna do Bh's because you are lazy. Deal with it.
Last Edit: June 24, 2013, 07:02 pm by Lolly

Lolly - 150 Ep | Lapras - 150 Wf | Crystal - 150 Ea
Sometimes it physically pains me to hold back my sarcastic comments.

Offline Tavern

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I didn't know they could still force 19 year olds to go to church. TIL.

Offline eel stirfry

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bh are useless u get extreamly low reward and i wanna do nw b.c it seems fun with a reward and u dont get 200+ b.c u wik ty. and if u dont have anything to support this tread get your ass off it ty
I'm wik? Thanks a lot.
Being rude to me and getting my 'ass of this thread"?
No thanks, mister.
I can read and post on whatever thread I like.
And I'm not even trolling you, because I'm posting valid answers.
Hey, slowpokie. If you don't want valid answers, then I'm sorry, but please. What do you want? Lies from me? I was telling the truth?
Alright, you want lies? Click this spoiler.
Alright. Forgive me for the above, but if you don't want the truth, you obviously want lies.
Now the truth time again.
Going to be rude sir?
And see, you don't wanna do Bh's because you are lazy. Deal with it.
This. If your lazy and just wanna hang out inside nation wars and maybe kill a random person with low hp and get 200+ tokens (yeah, right..), then just stop posting. Your making excuses. If you really wanted to go to nation wars, you could change times. I'm sure that the church can't force you to go there every day, same time...that's a violation of freedom rights, isn't it? It would be here in canada, and there's probably similar stuff in the US.
Also, thank you for calling me a wik. I have no idea what that is.

Offline SlowPokie

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Going to be rude sir?
And see, you don't wanna do Bh's because you are lazy. Deal with it.
i do bh on 7 toons a day lol im just getting sick of same shit over and over. and no1 forces me to go to church. i love going to church im indian and indian churches are way different its like u feel so different and etc anyways this isnt religion tread. ty

Offline SlowPokie

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and evil dont tell me what u do in nation wars (kill low hp crap u were talking about. ) i wanna nw maybe b.c  i know i will be good inside and my friends do it and my fac does it im sure it would be nice if i can join them why cant aga just do 1 thing that i can attend? tw i cant b.c of time-events i cant b.c of time zone fire legion is only thing i can attend :( and its no fun